So, working on Ubuntu 14, I changed my OPENAI_API_KEY and put my change into my NodeJS project .env file. Previously everything worked well. But now openai API responded with bad key error. So it turned out that my program was sending it the previous API key, despite I changed it ...
在Express中,可以通过以下步骤在本地主机上设置process.env变量: 1. 打开项目的根目录,在根目录下创建一个名为`.env`的文件。 2. 在`.env`文件中,按照`KEY=VAL...
openai.apiKey) { data.item = await Promise.all( (item) => { if (item.description) { try { const summary = await cache.tryGet(`openai:${}`, async () => { const text = convert(item.description!); if (text.length < 300) { return '';...
Déploiement régional : nous vous enverrons par e-mail les noms des régions dans lesquelles le connecteur sera déployé, car le déploiement dans les régions est effectué par étapes. En cas de retard ou de gel du déploiement, vous en serez informé par e-mail. Pour plus d’inf...
expo-env-info 1.2.0 environment info: System: OS: macOS 14.2.1 Shell: 5.9 - /bin/zsh Binaries: Node: 21.6.0 - /usr/local/bin/node Yarn: 1.22.21 - /opt/homebrew/bin/yarn npm: 10.3.0 - /usr/local/bin/npm Managers: CocoaPods: 1.15.2 - /opt/homebrew/bin/pod SDKs: iOS SDK:...
API 参考 应用设置参考 触发器和绑定 用于Redis 的 Azure 缓存 Azure Cosmos DB Azure 数据资源管理器 Azure OpenAI Azure SQL 概述 触发器 输入 输出 Blob 存储 Dapr 事件网格 事件中心 HTTP 和 webhook IoT 中心 Kafka 移动应用 通知中心 队列存储 RabbitMQ SendGrid 服务总线 SignalR 服务...
startProcessInstanceByKey("process").getId(); return "Process instance with id " + processInstanceId + " started!"; } } Copy The JAX-RS resource implements the GET /start-process REST API endpoint, which calls the process engine API to start a new process. Step 5: Define a Java ...
OpenAI API Key If you don't have an OPENAI_API_KEY, get one from OpenAI and add it to the .env file: OPENAI_API_KEY="your_key" NVIDIA API Key If you don't have an NVIDIA_API_KEY, get one and some free credits from NVIDIA and add it to the .env file: NVIDIA_API_KEY="your...
"" LLM_API_KEY="<azure-api-key>" LLM_MODEL="azure/<your-gpt-deployment-name>" AZURE_API_VERSION = "<api-version>" # e.g. "2024-02-15-preview" ``` They will be saved in the `config.toml` file in the `OpenDevin` directory....
Set your OpenAI API key: Set your API key as an environment variable: export OPENAI_API_KEY='your-api-key-here' Alternatively, you can set it directly in your script or use a .env file. Usage Run the script using Python: python Follow the on-screen prompts to interact wit...