Engineering design, as defined by Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET), “is the process of devising a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. It is a decision-making process (often iterative), in which the basic science and mathematics and engineering sciences...
【process innovation】意思是【过程创新;流程创新;工艺创新;制程创新】。双语例句 1. Davenport, T . Process Innovation : Re - engineering Work through IT . Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 1993.《流程变革: 用资讯技术再造工作》. 波士顿, MA:哈佛商学院出版社, 1993.2. The ...
Theprocess engineeringsection of the firm is responsible for answering such questions ashow,by whom, andwhereshould the product be produced. For such purpose, it has to choose both the equipment and the labor force, including the size and skills of the crew, to be used in production. This ...
It is our role as chemists and engineers to know and to do to gain true process control. Knowing the capabilities and limitations of the new sensor technology and how such sensors are evolving, can provide unique insights for the process engineer, who in turn will challenge the process ...
摘要: Focuses on Business process re-engineering (BPR) as it relates to the finance function. Radical changes needed; Questions asked; Some approaches to re-engineering the finance function; Examples of the re-engineering of finance at work; Conclusions. 被引量: 3 年份: 1995 收藏...
It is expected that such complexity covers most of the calculations in the common engineering design process. Conclusion In the current study, a deep learning network which can instantly evaluate the performance of dental implants before surgeries is developed. The training dataset included 65 dental ...
We have implemented solutions that will be used by any user, i.e. Company gift and business declaration system, to training requests. We also have solutions in Supply Chain, HR, Engineering, Mining, IT all the way up to our Company Secretary. ...
Below, we break down the steps of the engineering design process in a kid-friendly way. 1. Ask Define what the problem is. Write down your thoughts or discuss them with others. What is the problem (or the challenge)? Why is it important to find a solution (note that not every chall...
One of the beauties of Nintex Automation K2 and where it really shines is…we’ve had to make lots of adjustments due to changes in our business and Nintex Automation K2 has been very quick at adapting to these changing business requirements on the fly. ...
To celebrate National Engineers Week, we will be discussing how kids use the engineering design process to learn at Engineering For Kids.