I want to continue my series for beginners new to SAP BI. In this blog I write down the necessary steps how to create a process chain loading data with an infopackage and with a DTP, activation and scheduling of this chain. 1.) Call transaction RSPC RSPC is the central transaction for...
- The SAP BI version is 7.0 - XBP 2 is used I was told to do some user configuration in SAP in order to make the process chain run via SCPS: there is a part in the help of redwood explorer saying some specific instructions must be applied in SAP BI: The quote : "To check or ...
We would however prefer to process this HANA artefact in an ABAP step in our BW process chain(s). For this purpose we create aHANA procedure that can be called via SAP ABAP class. PROCEDURE"BIANALYST"."BIA_DEMO.HANA::BIA_PROC_BY_ABAP_PC"(INDEL_TAB nvarchar(1),INSOURCE NVARCHAR(10))...
Our SAP BI system have been migrated on new servers. Since this migration we can not run any process chain on BI. I have recreate a new process chain. I execute it - on immediate start - job standard priority C. I check the log but I can not see the step of the process chain ...
Solved: Hi everybody, I have some problems with process chains. I have a master process chain which contains some other lokal process chains. The process chain is
SAP Managed Tags: BW (SAP Business Warehouse) Hello BW experts, I'm a BW guy and I am tasked to make a program that will compute the average run time of every active process chain. Active I mean still being used and running on a regular basis. After computing for the average run ...
SAP Managed Tags: BW Planning BW Planning Software Product Function View products (1) Hi, we use BI IP and have defined a process chain (RSPC) with value type process planning sequence. When we execute it, we get error message "Inconsistent input parameter (parameter: <unknown>, value ...
I'm a beginner for this field, Suppose there is a process chain called "X" which is used to extract the data from SAP R3 side for the purpose of getting the data for BI query called "Q1". "X" has been schedule to run every day in the night in BI side and also there are jobs...
网络数据处理链;流程链 网络释义 1. 数据处理链 ...对处理链的维 护和监控的的一点总结: 创建处理链数据处理链(Process Chain)是 BI7.0 中后台定制的为特定事件安排的 … wenku.baidu.com|基于23个网页 2. 流程链 ...onal Model)表示, 而此语意资料模式为一流程链(Process Chain), 在流程上由许多不同...
The chain is then activated in this client after the import and scheduled if necessary. More information: Importing Client-Dependent Objects.Execution User In the standard setting, a BI background user executes the process chain (BWREMOTE). You can change the default setting so that you ...