Process capability analysis is an important aspect of quality control. Various process capability indices are proposed when the distribution is normal. For non-normal cases, percentile and yield-based indices have been introduced. These two methods use partial features of a process distribution, such ...
R. Movahhedy 摘要: Process capability indices are useful tools for evaluating the ability of a process to produce products that meet certain specifications. The assembly quality is dependent on the distribution of variations of assembly dimensions, which is in turn dependent on mating conditions in...
MINITAB 质量策划工具Process Capability Analysis 过程能力分析 趋势图(RunChart)观察过程数据的趋势和形状信息同时进行两种非随机现象测试如果过程受控,趋势图上的趋势将呈现随机性 趋势图(RunChart)柏拉图(ParetoChart)确定关键的少数因素 因果图(Cause-and-Effect)组织通过脑力风暴产生的关于问题原因的潜在信息 能力分析(...
Struggling with process capability analysis? Analyze capability with this easy-to-use QI Macros add-in for Excel. Calculates Cp Cpk and Pp Ppk in seconds.
Purpose – Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) and process capability (PC) are commonly used and well-accepted measures of performance in industry. These measures, however, are traditionally applied separately and with different purposes. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship ...
I created an installer by adding a Visual Studio® Web Setup Project to the solution. I then added the primary output of the guestbook project to the bin folder and the files Global.asax, GuestBook.aspx, and web.config to the Web Application Folder. With that I have an installer!
I created an installer by adding a Visual Studio® Web Setup Project to the solution. I then added the primary output of the guestbook project to the bin folder and the files Global.asax, GuestBook.aspx, and web.config to the Web Application Folder. With that I have an instal...
As with any app that uses MediaCapture, you must declare that your app uses the webcam capability before attempting to access any camera device. If your app will capture from an audio device, you should also declare the microphone device capability....
[1093星][11d] [C] fdiskyou/injectallthethings 实现了多个DLL注入技术的单Visual Studio项目 [747星][10m] [C++] darthton/xenos Windows DLL 注入器 [635星][7m] [PS] monoxgas/srdi Shellcode实现的反射DLL注入。将DLL转换为位置无关的Shellcode [489星][4m] [C#] akaion/bleak Windows原生DLL注入...
All statistical tools were from RStudio v1.1.44 (RStudio Team, 2018), with two-tailed test, and with p < 0.05 was the threshold of significance. Average values were expressed as means ± SD. The packages which used in our analysis as follow: the social network analysis used igr...