NewbieYouNewbieYou确认nagios服务起不来了tail -n 100 /var/log/nagios/nagios.log查看日志并找出问题修复问题确认nagios服务已恢复正常 通过以上步骤,你应该能够解决“nagios服务起不来了 killing process with signal sigkill”的问题。如果遇到其他困难,欢迎继续向我求助。祝你顺利解决问题!
退出代码137通常表示一个进程因为接收到SIGKILL信号而被操作系统强行终止。在大多数操作系统中,SIGKILL信号无法被程序捕获和处理,它通常是由操作系统内核用来强制终止反应出问题的程序。 出现这种错误通常是由于系统内存不足造成的,类似于GPU的CUDA OUT OF MEMORY,Python的垃圾管理器会自动进行内存管理,把内存中不再使用的...
but I got 'Process finished with exit code 137 (interrupted by signal 9: SIGKILL)' error while the program is running around epoch=4 or 5. I did set imgsz 224 and batch 4 device=mps but it happens again. Also according to activity monitor the memory of python3.10 increases to 45GB ...
Process finished with exit code 137 (interrupted by signal 9: SIGKILL),内存使用过多导致内存不足,尝试改小batch_size
多方搜索,才知出现这个问题是因为内存使用过多导致。我刚开始设置batch_size为5 迭代了137次出现了以上错误信息。按照网上说法将batch_size改为2迭代了3百多次停止。后来干脆设置为1,才没能出现以上错误信息。很是奇怪,觉得batch_size为1或者为2差别不大,应该不是根本原因,而是误打误撞解决了 ...
Child process with pid 'xxxx' got the signal 'SIGKILL' (kill signal) 原理: 系统无法提供仿真所需要的资源,就不顾swb和用户的感受,向仿真子进程(child process)发送了一封死亡判决书(信号,kill signal),将仿真进程强制结束(就是这么霸道,谁让你索取那么多)。 解决方法: 系统的资源无法继续支撑仿真向下进行,...
Main PID: 15200 (code=killed, signal=KILL) Status: "Total requests: 0; Idle/Busy workers 100/0;Requests/sec: 0; Bytes served/sec: 0 B/sec" CPU: 655ms Jul 05 11:44:45 systemd[1]: httpd.service: Killing process 15407 (n/a) with signal SIGKILL. ...
Expected behavior Process will exit or handle exceptions Current Behavior Process keeps trying to make DataReader, but it crash and got killed signal with high RAM usage, finally got exited with singal SIGKILL. This allows a local attack...
Sending SIGINT, SIGTERM, and SIGKILL will cause the unconditional termination of the target process, and afterwards, subprocess will report that the process was terminated by signal. Sending signal 0 can be used as a platform independent way to test for the existence of a process. M process.abo...
Similarly ‘kill -9 PID‘ is similar to ‘kill -SIGKILL PID‘ and vice-versa. To confirm that the process has terminated, you can again use theps command. ps -ef | grep mariadb Kill Linux Process with PID How to Kill Multiple Processes in Linux ...