首先,我们需要登录需要执行sql文件的用户,在我们确保sql文件无误的情况下,进入plsqldeveloper: 1,找到tools---》import tables ---》选择sql insert,不要选中sqlplus,选择最下面的那个导入sql文件,选中好sql文件后,点击import就会执行sql语句,生成日志。 2,如果执行sql语句中出现问题或者创建表后,有一些数据需要重新...
for 变量 in 起始值..终止值 loop end loop; 6.游标 //类似一个变量(集合),存储多条记录,游标是系统为用户开设的一个数据缓冲区,存放 SQL 语句的执行结果可以把游标理解为 PL/SQL 中的结果集 1)在声明区声明游标,语法如下,声明游标: cursor 游标名称 is sql语句 //sql语句只能是查询语句 cursor 游标名称...
This Oracle tutorial explains how tocreate and drop proceduresin Oracle/PLSQL with syntax and examples. Create Procedure Just as you can in other languages, you can create your own procedures in Oracle. Syntax The syntax to create a procedure in Oracle is: CREATE [OR REPLACE] PROCEDURE procedu...
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE raise_salary (p_id INemployees.employee_id%TYPE, p_percent INNUMBER) IS BEGIN UPDATE emp_tmp SET salary =salary * ( 1 + p_percent/100) WHERE employee_id= p_id; COMMIT; END raise_salary; / SQL> @notes/s72.sql Procedure created. SQL> BEGIN raise_salary(...
PL SQL Subprograms Advantages Of Subprograms Modes Of Parameter In PL/SQL Subprogram Parameter Passing Methods In PL SQL PL SQL PROCEDURES Create Procedure Delete Procedure PL SQL Functions Create Function Delete Function PL/SQL Functions Vs Procedures ...
procedure or function is stored in the database, it must be named. This distinguishes it from other stored procedures and makes it possible for applications to call it. Each publicly-visible procedure or function in a schema must have a unique name, and the name must be a legal PL/SQL ...
A Preview SQL window appears, containing code in Example 6-1. Note that this example has been abbreviated by removing most of the comments. Example 6-1 PL/SQL Code for Package HR_DATA CREATE PACKAGE "HR"."HR_DATA" IS -- Declare types, variables, constants, exceptions, cursors, -- and...
上述语句直接在SQL命令行或者SQL脚本中执行,无需使用PL/SQL块。 三、存储过程的参数传递与返回值 存储过程可接收输入参数和返回输出参数,用于实现与外部环境的数据交互。以下是存储过程参数的常用类型及其示例: -输入参数(IN):用于向存储过程传递数据,但存储过程内部不对其进行修改。 ``` CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE...
Each of these PL/SQL components helps formulate the basis for small and large applications alike. They differ from anonymous blocks that have been covered in previous recipes because they are all named routines that are stored within the database. Together, they provide the advantage of reusable ...
Oracle databases call stored procedures by using a JDBC escape sequence or by using Oracle PL/SQL block syntax. Rational Integration Tester supports both of these methods, but does not support full PL/SQL grammar in the JDBC parameter or SQL statements within the "begin...end" block. Ratio...