Log("The first row of the Customer array is " + Sp_Parameter.Name.elements[0]); Log("The first column in the first row of the Customer array has value " + Sp_Parameter.Name.elements[0].getVar('COL1')); Log("The second column in the first row of the Customer array has valu...
The following is an example of a simple stored procedure that uses an OUT parameter. The example uses the mysql client delimiter command to change the statement delimiter from ; to // while the procedure is being defined. This allows the ; delimiter used in the procedure body to be passed ...
如果没有为形式参数指定模式,则使用缺省模式IN。 对形式参数的约束:在过程声明中,限制CHAR和VARCHAR2参数的长度以及限制NUMBER参数的精度和/或刻度范围都是非法的。CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE ParameterLength ( p_Parameter1 IN OUT VARCHAR2(10), p_Parameter2 IN OUT NUMBER(3,2)) AS BEGIN p_Parameter1 :...
1、使用EXECUTE命令(简称EXEC): EXEC procedure_name [(parameter1, parameter2, ...)]; procedure_name是存储过程的名称,parameter1, parameter2, ...是存储过程的参数(如果有的话)。 2、使用匿名PL/SQL块: BEGIN procedure_name (parameter1, parameter2, ...); END; 同样,procedure_name是存储过程的名称...
CREATE [OR REPLACE] PROCEDURE用于创建一个新的存储过程或替换已有的存储过程;procedure_name是存储过程的名称;parameter1 [IN | OUT | IN OUT] parameter_type是存储过程的参数列表,可以包括输入参数(IN)、输出参数(OUT)和输入输出参数(IN OUT);IS和BEGIN之间可以声明局部变量;BEGIN和EXCEPTION之间是存储过程的主体...
3.stored parameter 1.Stroed procedure patameter contain in,out ,in out three variety model. a.in model (default model) example in the following code CREAET OR REPLACE PROCEDURE pro_insertDept( num_deptnoinnumber, var_enameinvarchar2, ...
Parameter、mode和datatype的含义与过程相同,但是应该尽量避免使用OUT和IN OUT参数模式。 return_datatype是函数返回的数值的类型,不能对数据类型的尺寸进行限定。PL/SQL块以BEGIN开始或以局部变量声明开始,以END或END function_name结束。在PL/SQL块中,可以使用多个RETURN语句,但是必须保证至少有一条RETURN语句存在。
The OUT parameter is of type VARCHAR or CHAR, and the host variable you are passing for this parameter is of type VARCHAR. When you call the PL/SQL procedure, you receive the following error: ORA-01458 invalid length inside variable character string For Example: Sample Output: Connected to...
The parameters of OUT and INOUT cannot be used in procedure definition of RETURNS TABLE. argname Specifies the name of an argument. Value range: a string. It must comply with the naming convention. argtype Specifies the type of a parameter. Value range: A valid data type. IMMUTABLE, ...
Parameter Table 6-6describes the parameters available in theLOGOUTprocedure. Table 6-6 LOGOUT Parameters Example The following example causes a logout from the current session and redirects to page99of application1000. BEGIN APEX_CUSTOM_AUTH.LOGOUT ( ...