the first alphabetic letter is in the A to V range. Level II codes are maintained by the US Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). There is some overlap between HCPCS codes and National Drug Code (NDC) codes, with a subset of NDC codes also in HCPCS, and vice-versa. The ...
Place a check in the "Dates of Service in a range" box to set the Start and End date that this modifier should apply to. Place a check in the "A certain primary payer" box to select a specific payer or payer type that this modifier should apply to. Place a check in the "A speci...
These modifiers cannot probably be used with neurodiagnostic procedures. To differentiate between separate and distinct EMG and nerve conduction studies, modifier 59 (distinct procedural service) is the correct choice. RT and LT are not appropriate for any of the evoked potential codes because these ...