AGP3300-L1-D24-CA1M(PFXGP3300LADCA) Introduce | Catalog / Manual / Instructions / Software download Proface AGP3300-L1-D24-CA1M(PFXGP3300LADCA) Product information and technical parameters: Brand: Proface Name: 5.7 Inch Touch Screen (CANopen model) Model: AGP3300-L1-D24-CA1M(PFXGP...
Download link: Proface AGP3400-T1-D24-CA1M Operation Manual Controller DIO (NPN model):6 point type NPN input, 2 point NPN type output, connector: 12 pin. Specification: DC24/C (control) level models. Display type: TFT color LCD. Display size: 7.5 inches. Resolution: 640 x 480 pixels...
Terms of use / Cautions Please acknowledge the following terms of use before you use our download service.Download of any file signifies your agreement to the terms of use.Terms and conditions Download file Manual_CA8-CANLT-MM02_eng.pdf 568.49 kB (582,131 Byte) ...
本CAN接口支持CAN2.0A协议;支持CANopen协议的最多8个字节的TPDO、最多8个字节的RPDO;支持快速Download SDO和快速Upload SDO;节点可以最多可以有42个TPDO和42个RPDO,且TPDO和RPDO可以采用默认的COBID(即CAN ID),也可以采用用户自定义的COBID;RPDO超时清零功能和延时启动功能;支持SDO对数据交换输入输出缓冲区的访问...
3)支持PDO发送、PDO接收、快速Download SDO和快速Upload SDO; 4)支持一路EtherNet IP从站接口,符合EtherNet IP Class 2 设备规范; 5)以太网10M/100M自适应; 6)采用透明的网络间数据映射方式; 7)32位处理器,主频为55MIPS,16MB SDRAM; 8)铝合金外壳,抗电磁辐射能力强; ...
Terms of use / Cautions Please acknowledge the following terms of use before you use our download service.Download of any file signifies your agreement to the terms of use.Terms and conditions Download file Manual_CA9-CANALL_EX-MM01_eng.pdf 975.42 kB (998,829 Byte) ...
AGP3300-T1-D24-CA1M(PFXGP3300TADCA) Introduce | Catalog / Manual / Instructions / Software download Proface AGP3300-T1-D24-CA1M(PFXGP3300TADCA) Product information and technical parameters: Brand: Proface Name: 5.7 Inch Touch Screen (CANopen model) Model: AGP3300-T1-D24-CA1M(PFXGP...
(3)支持8个字节的TPDO、RPDO和4个字节的快速DownloadSDO和快速UploadSDO; (4)CANopen命令可配置160条(PDO和SDO命令总和为160); 以太网属性 1、具有一个RJ45以太网接口,10/100M自适应; 2、支持36个ModbusTCP主站(Client)连接; 3、ModbusTCP从站支持功能码:03H、04H、06H、16H; ...
1. 支持一路CANopen主站,Modbus TCP为从站,可以实现多个CANopen从站与多个Modbus TCP主站之间的数据通信; 2. 符合CANopen 行业规范DS-301 V.4.01和CiA Draft Recommendation 303,支持NMT、PDO、SDO、Heartbeart、 Guardlife、SYNC等功能; 3. 支持高达8个字节的TPDO和RPDO,以及4个字节的快速Download SDO和快速Upl...
上海泗博CANopen转Profibus-DP网关转换器功能强大:支持连接多个CANopen设备,能够映射CANopen PDO和PDO到Profibus-DP上海泗博CANopen转Profibus-DP网关转换器【技术规格】CANopen根据CANopen 行规 DS-301 V.4.01波特率:10kbps ~ 1Mbps光电隔离(2.5kV)SDO 管理功能(发起SDO Upload 和 Download服务)PDO 转发功能(发送...