缺省情况下,是按照变量进行升序排列(ascending),降序则要显性的用descending指明。 特别的是,这两个关键字应该写在变量的前面,而其他语言可能相反,如SQL将排序关键字放在变量之后。 (2)运行机制 proc sort会先检查输入数据集的排序信息,特别是sortedby=选项,如果输入数据集提示已经按照by变量进行过排序,或者sort过程检...
by descending count; run; proc print data=myfreq; run; ``` 在这个例子中,我们首先使用proc freq统计了myvar变量的频数,并将结果输出到myfreq数据集中;我们使用proc sort对myfreq数据集按照频数进行了排序;我们使用proc print打印了排序后的结果。 5. 总结与展望 通过本文的探讨,我们对proc freq统计独立值个...
#include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <linux/...
1proc contents data=mysas.ifthen;2run;3proc print data=mysas.ifthen (firstobs=1obs=10);4run;5proc sql outobs=10;6title'this is a instance of in';7select*frommysas.ifthen8wheredatein(200901,200902)9order by shen descending;10quit; between and 1proc sql outobs=10;2title'this is ...
1proc contents data=mysas.ifthen;2run;3proc print data=mysas.ifthen (firstobs=1obs=10);4run;5proc sql outobs=10;6title'this is a instance of in';7select*frommysas.ifthen8wheredatein(200901,200902)9order by shen descending;10quit; ...
proc transpose<data=input-data-set><NAME=name><OUT=output-data-set><PREFIX=prefix>;BY<DESCENDING>variable-1<...<DESCENDING>variable-n><NOTSORTED>;COPYvariable(s);IDvariable;IDLABELvariable;VARvariable(s);run; 参数介绍: Data :输入要数据集 ...
ASCoption is used to sort the data inascendingorder. It is the default option.DESCoption is used to sort the data indescendingorder. proc sql; select MoMAge, eight, married from outdata ORDER BY weight ASC, married DESC; Quit; 10. How to Filter Data with WHERE clause ...
SAS 中Proc SQL的应用与提高
Unlike in the BY statement of the DATA Step, or PROC SORT or most (all?) other SAS procedures, the DESCENDING keyword (specifying that the ordering will be from largest to smallest) goes after the column name that it modifies. PROC SQL ; CREATE TABLE agesum2b AS SELECT CensRegion ,...
columnvalues,butitdoesnotorderthosegroupings.Ifadescendingorascendingorderofcolumnsis required,anOrderByclausemustbeused.Ascendingisthedefault. ExamplesofSQLCodeandComparable SAS Code Example 1: Creating an output listing with Proc SQL versus a Data Step ...