This function is very convenient to show the number of the levels for every categorical variable. proc sql; select count(unique(make)) as u_make 'Number of the car makers', count(unique(origin)) as u_origin 'Number of the car origins', count(unique(type)) as u_type 'Number of the...
SQL_DATETIME_SUB smallint 如果SQL_DATA_TYPE 的值为 SQL_DATETIME 或SQL_INTERVAL,则为 datetime ISO interval 子代码。对于 datetime 和 ISO interval 以外的数据类型,该字段为 NULL。 CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH int character 或 binary 数据类型的列的最大长度(字节)。对于所有其他数据类型,该列返回 NULL。 ORDINAL...
%let inxvarN = &sqlobs ; quit; If you are using an older version of SAS you will need to set an explicit upper bound for the range of variable names (:inxvar1 - :inxvar99999 ). SQL will only create enough variables to match the number of observations returned from the query. 3...
15. How to limit the number of rows in newly created dataset? Suppose you want to limit the number of rows that PROC SQL produces in the data set, use theINOBS=option in the PROC SQL statement. proc sql INOBS=50; create table health AS select weight,married from outdata; Quit; Diff...
line 1975 ORA-06512: at line 1 A system error occurred during processing. Contact your help desk. Name HR_6881_HRPROC_ORA_ERR Token2 ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small A system error ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string...
The UseInProcLoader property cannot be used with character mode snapshots or non-SQL Server Subscribers. If you use The UseInProcLoader property, the SQL Server service account at the Subscriber must have read permissions on the directory where the snapshot .bcp data files are located. When Th...
Often, format will be modified to change the number of decimal places in a numeric field or the display of a date field. The full list of possible formats can be found on In SQL, formatting can be done in the SELECT statement. The following code formats the Birth ...
split_to_array subarray Bitweise Aggregationsfunktionen BIT_AND BIT_ODER BOOL_AND BOOL_ODER Bedingte Ausdrücke CASE DECODE GREATESTund LEAST NVLund COALESCE NVL2 NULLIF Funktionen für die Datentypformatierung CAST CONVERT ZU_ CHAR TO_ DATE ZU_ NUMBER TEXT_ZU_ _ INT ALT TEXT_ZU_ _ NUMERIC...
【备注】:日志不仅仅将星号(*)展开成详细列表,还会resolves macro variables and places parentheses around expressions to show their order of evaluation. 四、控制输出行的方法 1. 通过OUTOBS=选项来限制 the Number of Rows Displayed General form:PROCSQL statmentwithOUTOBS=option:PROCSQL OUTOBS=n;/*其中...