moon_list_title = [] moonlist = [] for item in range(int(split_start[1]), int(spli...
SQL_DATETIME_SUB smallint 如果SQL_DATA_TYPE 的值为 SQL_DATETIME 或SQL_INTERVAL,则为 datetime ISO interval 子代码。对于 datetime 和 ISO interval 以外的数据类型,该字段为 NULL。 CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH int character 或 binary 数据类型的列的最大长度(字节)。对于所有其他数据类型,该列返回 NULL。 ORDINAL...
This function is very convenient to show the number of the levels for every categorical variable. proc sql; select count(unique(make)) as u_make 'Number of the car makers', count(unique(origin)) as u_origin 'Number of the car origins', count(unique(type)) as u_type 'Number of the...
Re: Error Proc Sql connect to Posted 08-17-2021 11:44 PM (685 views) | In reply to jhh197 Please reformat your code. As it is, maybe a rogue character has entered it, probably in one of the WITH clauses, and maybe near the end. Remove all spaces and retype them. A proper ...
-- 查询外键 涂聚文 (Geovin Du) select concat(table_name, '.', column_name) as 'foreign key', concat(referenced_table_name, '.', refer
I would like to get a report of the difference and the percentage of N and FTPREM and that for each observations even if the difference is zero but no comparison for the character variables such as LOB MAIN_INSRR_CO_NBR PROVINCE CIEDISTR. proc compare data=OUT1 compare=OUT2 out=report ...
Specifically, when I'm filling out the WNDCLASSEX structure, the compiler shows an error when I try to assign the window procedure function to the lpfnWndProc member variable. Here is the relevant code:WNDCLASSEX wcl; wcl.cbSize = sizeof( WNDCLASSEX ); wcl.lpszClassName = g_szWinName; ...
line 1975 ORA-06512: at line 1 A system error occurred during processing. Contact your help desk. Name HR_6881_HRPROC_ORA_ERR Token2 ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small A system error ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string...
SQL_DATETIME_SUB smallint 如果SQL_DATA_TYPE 的值为 SQL_DATETIME 或SQL_INTERVAL,则为 datetime ISO interval 子代码。对于 datetime 和 ISO interval 以外的数据类型,该字段为 NULL。 CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH int character 或 binary 数据类型的列的最大长度(字节)。对于所有其他数据类型,该列返回 NULL。 ORDINAL...