ASC option is used to sort the data in ascending order. It is the default option. DESC option is used to sort the data in descending order.proc sql; select MoMAge, eight, married from outdata ORDER BY weight ASC, married DESC; Quit; ...
In the second code - rbc and cholesterol written after wbc is not sorted in ascending order. Why is that? Your sort is: BY DESCENDING wbc rbc cholesterol; The first level of sorting is: DESCENDING wbc Within the same value for WBC rows then get sorted by ascending rbc and th...
proc sort data=dataset name; by variable name; run; proc print data= dataset name; by variable name; run; 让我们通过一个例子来理解: 在示例中,我们基于性别变量进行排序,该变量包含可以分为两部分的数据值,即男性和女性。 data one; input studyid name$ sex$ age weight height$; datalines; 1 Ak...
PROCSORTDATA=TEMP; BYRACE; RUN; ThenyoucanrunthefollowingPROCTABULATEcode: PROCTABULATEDATA=TEMP; BYRACE; CLASSRACEGENDER; VAROME; TABLEOME*MEAN,GENDERALL; RUN; TheresultingtablesareshowninOutput6.4.Theonlydifferencweenthesetablesandtheprevioustables inOutput6.3istheformatofthetitles.Thetablesproducedwit...
4. Enter '1' to sort transactions in descending order by date and time last updated (the most recent transactions first). If left blank, the transactions will be sorted in ascending order (the earliest transactions first). FIELD DISPLAY CONTROL: 5. Enter '1' to protect Transaction Origina...
ORDER= INTERNA L | FREQ | DATA | FORMATTED The ORDER= option specifies the order the variable levels are to be reported.INTERNA L: Levels are ordered by their interna l value.FREQ : Levels are ordered by descending frequency count.DATA: Levels are ordered as they were ordered in the ...
4. Enter '1' to sort transactions in descending order by date and time last updated (the most recent transactions first). If left blank, the transactions will be sorted in ascending order (the earliest transactions first). FIELD DISPLAY CONTROL: 5. Enter '1' to protect Transaction Origina...
***Import data***;PROC IMPORTDATAFILE="/folders/myfolders/Speciale/oil/shale oil by basin.xlsx"OUT=shale_prodDBMS=XLSXREPLACE;***Convert from long to wide format***;proc sortdata=shale_prodout=Wide;bydate;run;proc transposedata=Wideout=Long(rename=(Col1=Value))name=Sour...
Use the sorting function of the first column of the search input area to specify an Order By before executing the search. Complete the following steps to execute a search for three search conditions and to sort the results in ascending or descending order:...
Order by State, City, Store, Year, Month ; quit; Proc Sort Data = Cost (keep=State City Store Year Month VarCost FixedCost where=(State=’TX’)) Out = Subset; By State City Store Year Month; Run; *; Data Stats(drop=FixedCost); ...