proc sgplot data=c sganno=anno1 tmplout='tmp1.tmp'; scatter y=weight x=height; by sex; run; 不需要TMPLOUT =选项。但是,它显示了PROC SGPLOT编写的用于制作图形的模板。如果您真的想了解PROC SGPLOT的作用,您需要了解模板。它存储在文件tmp1.tmp中,如下所示(添加缩进后)。 proc template; define s...
scatter y=weight x=height; by sex; run; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 不需要TMPLOUT =选项。但是,它显示了PROC SGPLOT编写的用于制作图形的模板。如果您真的想了解PROC SGPLOT的作用,您需要了解模板。它存储...
proc sgplot data=c tmplout='tmp3.tmp';ods exclude sgplot;scatter y=weight x=height;by sex;run; 这是文件。 proc template;define statgraph sgplot;dynamic __BYLINE__;begingraph / collation=binary;EntryTitle __BYLINE__ / textattrs=(size=GraphLabelText:fontsize);layout overlay / yaxisopts=...
proc sort data=sashelp.class out=c; by sex; run; data anno1; retain x1 20 y1 85 function 'Text' dataspace 'GraphPercent' width 100; label = 'Students'; output; run; proc sgplot data=c sganno=anno1 tmplout='tmp1.tmp'; scatter y=weight x=height; by sex; run; 不需要TMPLOUT ...
proc sgplot data=c sganno=anno2 tmplout='tmp2.tmp';scatter y=weight x=height;by sex;run; 这是文件tmp2.tmp,其中包含生成的GTL: proc template;define statgraph sgplot;dynamic __BYLINE__;begingraph/ collation=binary;EntryTitle __BYLINE__/ textattrs=(size=GraphLabelText:fontsize);layout ov...
scatter y=weight x=height; bysex; run; 不需要TMPLOUT =选项。但是,它显示了PROC SGPLOT编写的用于制作图形的模板。如果您真的想了解PROC SGPLOT的作用,需要了解模板。它存储在文件tmp1.tmp中,如下所示。 proctemplate; definestatgraph sgplot; dynamic__BYLINE__; begingraph/ collation=binary; EntryTitle_...
scatter y=weight x=height; by sex; run; 不需要TMPLOUT =选项。但是,它显示了PROC SGPLOT编写的用于制作图形的模板。如果您真的想了解PROC SGPLOT的作用,您需要了解模板。它存储在文件tmp1.tmp中,如下所示(添加缩进后)。 proc template; ...
proc sgplot data=final;scatter x=year y=cost/ yerrorlower=lowercostyerrorupper=uppercostmarkerattrs=(color=black symbol=SquareFilled)errorbarattrs=(color=black);series x=year y=cost/group= age_group lineattrs=(color=blue pattern=2);XAXIS label="Year" VALUES= (200...
This paper selects one chart common to clinical trials--scatter chart to trend observational data--and presents a step-by-step analysis of the code to create this output, including how sample counts can be presented below the chart image.Anthony L. Feliu...
Table 2. SGPLOT plot statements and selected options. SYNTAX SCATTER SCATTER X=var Y=var/options; SELECTED OPTIONS DATALABEL=var Displays a label for each DATA point SERIES STEP NEEDLE SERIES X=var Y=var/options; BREAK CURVELABEL STEP X=var Y=var/options; BREAK CURVELABEL NEEDLE X=var Y...