proc sgplot data=c sganno=anno1 tmplout='tmp1.tmp'; scatter y=weight x=height; by sex; run; 不需要TMPLOUT =选项。但是,它显示了PROC SGPLOT编写的用于制作图形的模板。如果您真的想了解PROC SGPLOT的作用,您需要了解模板。它存储在文件tmp1.tmp中,如下所示(添加缩进后)。 proc template; define s...
scatter y=weight x=height; by sex; run; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 不需要TMPLOUT =选项。但是,它显示了PROC SGPLOT编写的用于制作图形的模板。如果您真的想了解PROC SGPLOT的作用,您需要了解模板。它存储...
scatter y=weight x=height; by sex; run; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 不需要TMPLOUT =选项。但是,它显示了PROC SGPLOT编写的用于制作图形的模板。如果您真的想了解PROC SGPLOT的作用,您需要了解模板。它存储...
proc sgplot data=c tmplout='tmp3.tmp';ods exclude sgplot;scatter y=weight x=height;by sex;run; 这是文件。 proc template;define statgraph sgplot;dynamic __BYLINE__;begingraph / collation=binary;EntryTitle __BYLINE__ / textattrs=(size=GraphLabelText:fontsize);layout overlay / yaxisopts=...
proc sgplot data=c sganno=anno2 tmplout='tmp2.tmp';scatter y=weight x=height;by sex;run; 这是文件tmp2.tmp,其中包含生成的GTL: proc template;define statgraph sgplot;dynamic __BYLINE__;begingraph/ collation=binary;EntryTitle __BYLINE__/ textattrs=(size=GraphLabelText:fontsize);layout ov...
问在PDF中获取PROC SGPLOT的矢量图形输出EN使用 select 语句获取数据,有两种种结果,第一种,得到的结果...
data work.plot; set work.ancovaplot work.regplot (rename=(Predicted=RegPredicted)) ; run; Proc sgplot data=work.plot; scatter x=ldlbase y=ldl30/ group=trt; series x=ldlbase y=predicted/group=trt; series x=ldlbase y=regpredicted/ group=trt; run; There may be details involved like var...
The sample code on theFull Codetab demonstrates how to use PROC GREPLAY to put four PROC SGPLOT outputs on the same PDF page. Since the Statistical Graphics (SG) procedures such as SGPLOT, SGPANEL, SGSCATTER, and SGRENDER, as well as graphics produced by the ODS GRAPHICS ON statement, do...
=50;rotate=90;label="&label2."; output; run; procsgplot data=sashelp.class sganno=_anno; scatter x=weight y=height; xaxis label=' '; yaxis label=' '; run; 0 Likes Reply RegisterToday! us for SAS Innovate2025, our biggest and most exciting global event o...
如果您使用BY语句和SGANNO =选项运行PROC SGPLOT,则在两个图中都会同时获得两个注释,这几乎肯定不是您想要的。 proc sgplot data=c sganno=anno2 tmplout='tmp2.tmp'; scatter y=weight x=height; by sex; run; 这是文件tmp2.tmp,其中包含生成的GTL: ...