discreteoffset不适用于(type=time)选项 我目前正在尝试在proc sgplot中为基于日期的数据创建一个side-by-side双轴条形图。我现在陷入了最后一件事,在vbar上我无法使用discreteoffset选项移动条,因为我在xaxis上使用的是Type=time。如果我对此进行评论,则会移动条,但xaxis tick值看起来很笨拙。所以我想知道是否有其他...
另外, 我在圖的下方呈現剛剛已存成巨集變數的Gray’s test的p-value. 而y軸上那個分段的圖示, 則是透過styleattrs裡面的axisbreak來設定圖案, 並決定分段範圍 (range). keylegend 可用來設定censor跟組別圖示的位置. 這樣, 就完成囉! %modstyle(name=mystyle, parent=listing, type = CLM, colors = BIGB ...
SGPLOT过程属性地图:精确控制PROC SGPLOT输出的方法说明书 Paper 1154-2021 Map It Out: Using SG Attribute Maps for Precise Control of PROC SGPLOT Output Joshua M. Horstman, Nested Loop Consulting ABSTRACT The SGPLOT procedure, part of the ODS Statistical Graphics package, allows for extensive ...
keylegend / noborder;run; I've also tried the following code, but then I loose the detail: proc sgplot data=INDIRECT_COSTS; vline OBS_DATE / response=Indirect_Cost_Perc; yaxis label="Indirect Cost%"; xaxis label="Observation Date" interval=month values=('01JAN2006'd...
id F blue id M green ; proc sgplot data=sashelp.class dattrmap=dattrmap; vbar age/group=sex groupdisplay=stack attrid=id; legenditem type=FILL name="F" /label='Female' fillattrs=(color=blue); legenditem type=FILL name="M" /label='Male' fillattrs=(color=green); ...
id M green;proc sgplotdata=sashelp.classdattrmap=dattrmap;vbar age/group=sex groupdisplay=stack attrid=id;legenditem type=FILLname="F"/label='Female'fillattrs=(color=blue);legenditem type=FILLname="M"/label='Male'fillattrs=(color=green);keylegend"F""M";run; ...
SGPLOT will automatically create a legend when needed. Since you don't have any group variable or other features, there is no need for a legend. However, if you want, you can add a KEYLEGEND statement of your own, with a reference to a name of the plot. Please see product d...
); run; proc sgplot data=mixedout_nomiss nowall noborder; styleattrs backcolor=white; reg x=Length2 y=pred / nomarkers group=FOBS; yaxis label="Stress"; xaxis integer label="Current Singlehood Length" ; legenditem type=line name="-1" / label="Low FOBS" LINEATTRS=(patt...
keylegend 'a' / title='TRT' type=linecolor valueattrs=(size=7) location=inside position=topright across=1 opaque; xaxis label='Week'; run; 0 Likes 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION DanH_sas SAS Super FREQ Re: Multiple marker symbols in proc sgplot Posted 03-22-2018 12:59 PM (9676 views) ...
title 'Mileage Distribution by Origin'; proc sgplot data=multiVar; density mpg_usa / legendlabel='USA' lineattrs=(pattern=solid); density mpg_asia / legendlabel='Asia' lineattrs=(pattern=solid); density mpg_eur / legendlabel='Europe' lineattrs=(pattern=solid); keylegend / ...