ENDCOMPcompute 和 endcomp 包含一个 compute block, 使得允许 生成 新 report-items, 生成 LINE statements, 并且 可以应用 单元格特定的 style attributes。补充: 补充: 如果proc report 中使用到的变量 不在 input 指定的 数据集dataset中,则这个变量必须包含在 computed 语句块中。 1. PROC REPORT 的options:...
Note that the STYLE options specified will only affect the appearance of the non-listing ODS destination(s) that your report is being sent to. The STYLE option has the following general form: Style<(location)> = <style-element-name> <{style-attribute-specification(s)}> Where location refers...
10 proc report与ODS,以后会详细介绍。这里用ODS输出report过程结果,方法很简单,就是将上面的report代码放入ods语句之间。 ods listing close; ods rtf file = ‘c:\sugi30.rtf’; 上面的proc report过程代码放在这里就行 ods rtf close; 即: ods listing close; ods rtf file = 'c:\sugi30.rtf'; proc ...
利用ods Excel输出的xlsx文件较小,怎么来形容其小呢,小编今天尝试了113个数据集(大概65M)利用ods ...
Certain procedures (REPORT, TABULATE, etc), however, by the very nature of their complete structural customizability, do not rely on fixed external table definitions. For these procedures, stylistic customizations are performed through the use of the STYLE option, an ODS concept which is integrated...
%macro report; options papersize=letter orientation=landscape nodate nonumber center missing=" " nobyline; ods escapechar="@"; ods listing close; %do i=1 %to 4; proc report data = final (where=(agegr2n=&i.)) missing nowd headline headskip nocenter spacing = 2 split = "~"; ...
%macro report; options papersize=letter orientation=landscape nodate nonumber center missing=" " nobyline; ods escapechar="@"; ods listing close; %do i=1 %to 4; proc report data = final (where=(agegr2n=&i.)) missing nowd headline headskip nocenter spacing = 2 split = "~"; ...
[PROCREPORT]使用RTF控制符 [PROCREPORT]使⽤RTF控制符options nodate nonumber;ods listing close;ods rtf file = "E:\class.rtf" style = styles.threelines;ods escapechar = "@";title1 justify = left "⽅案编号: xxx" justify = right "TFL版本号:1.0";title2 justify = left "⽅案名称:...
proc report data=traininj1 nowd contents="Claims" out=test style(header)=[font_weight=bold]; options missing='0'; column num job_class date1 type; define num / group 'ID' style(column)={just=l} order=data; define job_class / 'Job' style(column)={just=l}; define date1...
options nodate nonumber nobyline orientation=landscape; ods escapechar='~'; ods rtf file="./_image.rtf"; proc report data=image nowd center noheader style= {frame =voidrules = none protectspecialchars = off just=center asis=yes }