The MEANS procedure is most commonly used to generate and view descriptives of a data set. The procedure can also output these descriptive statistics to assist in later data manipulation steps. This paper shows how the OUTPUT statement and MAX option can create a subject level data set from a...
Petunia SnapDragon Marigold; PROC SORT DATA = sales; BY CustomerID; * Calculate means by CustomerID, output sum and mean to new data set; PROC MEANS NOPRINT DATA = sales; BY CustomerID; VAR Petunia SnapDragon Marigold; OUTPUT OUT = totals MEAN(Petunia SnapDragon Marigold) = MeanPetunia ...
Making the PROC MEANS statement in SAS produce a variable instead of a dataset 0 Proc Means vs Simple Count in Proc SQL for non numeric values 0 SAS-MEANS/SUMMARY Procedure output 0 Why does finding the average in a proc means and a proc sql step yield different results...
procmeans data=school maxdec=2noprintnway;/*specifies that the output data set contain only statistics for the observations with the highest _TYPE_ and _WAY_ values*/class teacher; class gender region;*两个变量都取0 1两个值,二进制。00 01 10 11;idt_Age;*id取对应变量的最大值放入数据集;...
If you want the statistics in the OUTPUT data set you need to list them in the OUTPUT statement. The variables listed in the PROC MEANS control what's displayed, not what's saved to a data set. Or you can switch to using the ODS table. proc means mean mode med...
output语句:规定输出数据集以及要输出的变量 proc means data=school maxdec=2 noprint nway; /*specifies that the output data set contain only statistics for the observations with the highest _TYPE_ and _WAY_ values*/ class teacher; class gender region; *两个变量都取0 1两个值,二进制。00 01 ...
类似的,还可以增加统计量(类似于MEANS那里):DATA boats; INFILE 'c:\MyRawData\Boats.dat'; INPUT Name $ 1-12 Port $ 14-20 Locomotion $ 22-26 Type $ 28-30 Price 32-36; RUN; * PROC TABULATE report with options; PROC TABULATE DATA = boats FORMAT=DOLLAR9.2; CLASS Locomotion Type; VAR ...
PROC SUMMARY (Almost) Everything you need to know about PROC SUMMARY PROC SUMMARY Overview ▪ Useful for summarizing data overall and/or by categories ▪ Approximately 99% overlap with PROC MEANS ▪ Default output from PROC MEANS is a printed table ▪ Default output from PROC SUMMARY is...
Tip An output data set can be created by using an ODS OUTPUT statement. The data set created by ODS OUTPUT is the same as the one created by the OUT= option. Refer to the ODS OUTPUT Statement in SAS Output Delivery System: User’s Guide. Examples Creating an Output Data Set and Sto...
Proc MeansData=Study.Survey; ClassSex; VarIncome; Title“How to use CLASS statement” Run; 程序运行结果如图16.1所示。 7.BY语句 当用户要求SAS系统对数据集进行分组处理时,可在PROC步中使用BY语句。但处理过程要求数据集事先已经按BY变量排序好了。该语句的一般格式为: BY<descending>变量1<…变量2><NOT...