A SAS@code for enhancing the output from PROC LOGISTIC with the stepwise option was developed. Among the enhancements provided are: the suppression of SAS output fkom several pages to one table, the incremental change in the c-index statistic, the -2 LOG likelihood statistic (-2 log L ...
The more particular problem is that there is no exact equivalent of the ICC for logistic models (just as there is no exact equivalent of R2 for logistic regression), nor is there agreement as to what level of significance is 'enough', with Snijders & Bosker (1999) arguing for a p-value...
2 SUGI 29 Statistics and Data Analysis Proc Mixed Data=Vision; Where LensStrength="6/06"; Class Subject Eye; Model ResponseTime = Eye; Random Subject / V VCorr; Repeated / Group=Eye; LSMeans Eye; Run; You might notice that the observed test statistic and the variance of the difference ...
Proc means [options][statistic-keywords]; [options]:noprint maxdec=n alpha=value(默认0.05) [statistic-keywords]:std ste=derr min max mean sum cv qrange p25 p75 median Clm lclm uclm 2) PROC UNIVARIATE [options]; [options]:DATA=SAS-data-set:指定分析的数据集 NORMAL:进行正态性检验 3)分...