PROC FCMP 用来创建用户自定义函数, 包括:function, call routines, subroutines。 创建的custom function 可以在别的 PROC步 或 DATA步中调用。 The SAS Function Compiler (FCMP) procedure enables you to create, test, and store SAS functions, CALL routines, and subroutines before you use them in other...
OUTLIB 选项指定存储函数和子程序的包名,使用 INLIB 选项指定读取函数和子程序的包名。routine-declaration 指定函数和子程序的具体声明内容,一个 PROC FCMP 内部可以同时声明多个函数和子程序。注意:创建的函数和子程序名称不应当与内置的 SAS 函数和子程序名称相同。
In some cases, the SAS/TOOLKIT(R) product has been used along with the C programming language to create user-written functions and procedures. WithSAS(R)9.2 and beyond, the FCMP procedure gives the SAS programmer the ability to create user-written functionsand CALL routines using DATA step ...
proc sql;select*fromsashelp.classwherenamein("John","Thomas");quit; ↑向右滑动查看全部代码↑ 输出结果: 这个例子中,使用IN操作符筛选名称为 "John" 和 "Thomas" 的学生信息。 BETWEEN proc sql;select*fromsashelp.classwhere(agebetween11...
In DATA step: ' x=; run; ***; proc fcmp outlib=sasuser.funcs.math; subroutine allpermk(n, k); array scratch[1]/nosymbols call dynamic_array(scratch, n); call permk(n,k,scratch,1,0); endsub; subroutine permk(n,k,scratch[*],m,i); outargs scratch; if m-1 = n then do...
Re: PROC FCMP Posted 06-11-2016 01:21 PM (1571 views) | In reply to ballardw Thanks for the explanation. I came across this example while searching for FCMP documention. When I use log() function in SAS, I got the same result as we will get after definition the function Vlog...
SELECT 语句中可以使用任何支持的 SAS 函数,函数的返回值将作为查询结果。PROC SQL 支持大部分 SAS 内置函数以及任何不含数组参数的 PROC FCMP 自定义函数。例如:下面的代码在 SELECT 语句中使用了 INTCK 函数计算用药的持续天数。 proc sql;selectUSUBJID,SITEID,CMSTDT,CMENDT,intck("day",CMSTDT,CMENDT)as...
But you can always do this: %let sdk_location = /sdk_home; filename inc temp; data _null_; file inc; put "proc fcmp;"; put "declare
Once compiled and located in memory, a PROC FCMP function can be invoked just like a built-in SAS function as many times as needed to assign values to a new variable using the assignment (=) operator.new_variable1 = user_defined_function(existing_variable1);new_variable2 = user_defined_...
Although the technique of applying regressions to rolling time windows is commonly used in financial research for a variety of uses, SAS offers no routines for directly performing this analysis. The recent introduction of PROCFCMP, along with the long-standing capability of PROC REG to accept sum...