PROC EXPORT Syntax How to export SAS Data to Excel File How to export SAS Data to CSV File How to export SAS Data to Text File How to export SAS Data to SPSS File How to export SAS Data to Excel File The following code shows how to use PROC EXPORT to export the SAS datasetsashelp...
Matches DataFlux Authentication Server objects with an equivalent SAS Metadata Server objects and places the matches into the working set of export mappings. The MATCH statement name is followed by the type of object being matched for export. This object type can be DOMAIN, USER, or GROUP. The ...
Syntax DBENCODING=12-char SAS encoding-value; Required Argument 12-char SAS encoding-value indicates the encoding used to save data in JMP files. Encoding maps each character in a character set to a unique numeric representation, which results in a table of code points. A single character ...
How satisfied are you with SAS documentation overall? Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither dissatisfied or satisfied (OR neutral) Satisfied Very satisfied Do you have any additional comments or suggestions regarding SAS documentation in general that will help us better serve you? PDF...
You can use any SAS or user-defined format. STYLE=[style-attribute-name=style-attribute-value<… style-attribute-name=style-attribute-value>] specifies the style element to use for the specified item. For example, the following statement specifies that the text color for the item is red: ite...
Also check syntax. Single data set with cport looks like: libname source 'sas-library'; filename tranfile 'transport-file' ; proc cport data=source.datasetname file=tranfile; run; Also you can sent all data sets in a library to a single file. BTW, I think that you ma...
SAS 8.2 introduced the ODS MARKUP statement, allowing users to export to a variety of markup languages,including HTML, XML and XHTML. The ODS MARKUP statement uses essentially the same syntax as thedeprecated ODS HTML statement, except for the addition of TAGSET= option. The value of this ...
A syntax error might occur when you use the DATASETS procedure (PROC) to change the name of a table with SAS/ACCESS Interface to Greenplum. For example, the following code could generate the error and the error message: libname glib greenplm dsn=
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Syntax COPY device-entry copy-options; Required Arguments device-entry specifies the one-level name of the device entry to copy. Restriction The entry must exist in the current catalog (the default) or the catalog specified by FROM= argument. copy-options specifies the copy options, which must...