1)Number of Variables in Common:相同的变量总数需要等于dataset中存在的变量总数。 2)Total Number of Observation:观测数相同且等于dataset中观测的总数(有的时候compare过程前可能进 行了筛选) 接下来,提供一个compare不一致的实例: 数据集1 数据集2 对两个dataset进行Proc compare,结果如下: 结果体现了两个data...
PROC COMPARE is one of the SAS® procedures used to demonstrate a perfect match between production and validation data sets. In the current practice, the programmer must manually review the output file to ensure an exact match. The proposed approach programmatically validates the output of PROC ...
在使用 PROC COMPARE 前对变量重命名或许是一种可行的方法,但其实 PROC COMPARE 提供了VAR和WITH语句用于建立两个数据集之间的变量映射关系。VAR语句指定变量在 base 数据集中的名称,WITH指定变量在 compare 数据集中的名称。 proc compare base=qc_l2 compare=l2;varusubjid siteid sex age iedt elresn;withcol...
SAS利用proc compare进行双录入校验和数据核对 AS利用proc compare进行双录入校验和数据核对 (2010-08-16 23:26:26)转载▼ 标签: 杂谈 1、简单比较两个数据集 FILE_1.TXT 001M10211946130 80 002F12201950110 70 003M09141956140 90 004F10101960180100 007m10321940184110 FILE_2.TXT 001M1021194613080 002F122...
* Example of syntax for saving differences in output dataset; proc compare data=&oldlib.ProcContentsByStudycompare=&oldlib.ProcContentsByStudy out=DiffByTableVaroutnoequal outbase outcomp outdif noprint; by TableName Varname; run; Beginner Paper"How Does Your Data Compare?" SAS’s COMPARE PR...
PROC COMPARE BASE=in.WA_jul2009 COMPARE=in.WA_feb2010 ; TITLE1 'Example 1: PROC COMPARE with no options or extra statements'; RUN; Run just this way, PROC COMPARE will produce a lot of output; most of it is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. SAS Listing for Example 1: Plain Van...
The data set will not look like your example. 0 Likes Reply alepage Barite | Level 11 Re: how to properly use proc compare Posted 08-20-2024 03:57 PM (659 views) | In reply to ballardw I have tried this: proc compare data=OUT1 compare=OUT2 out=report allobs outdiff out...
Posters Proving it Works: Using PROC COMPARE to Verify an Analysis Converted into SAS® Software by Lauren Haworth, MA, Programmer, and Njeri Karanja, Ph.D., R.D., Nutrition Scientist Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research, Portland, Oregon Abstract When SAS® Software is used to ...
proc compare base=old compare=new out=Out_ds outnoequal outbase outcomp outdif noprint; id code; run; the out_ds will keep the results. Refer below to keep only the different variable names in output Dataset: data old; input code A B C D; datalines; 101 1 a 1 100 102 2 b 1...
While PROC COMPARE is a useful tool, it can also beintimidating. There are dozens of options to be aware of and the output has several sections. If you were interested in doing asimple comparison, wouldn't it be great if there was a simple tool to do it? Well there is! This paper ...