即使目前对于多数公司而言,compare 过程很可能是在一个很大的macro工具中,但了解一下compare过程步的内容仍然是很有帮助的。请注意,本文不会详细解释所需SAS code细节,如对其中选项或语句有不熟悉的或者想要进一步了解的话,可以访问SAS help Center自行搜索https://documentation.sas.com/doc/en/helpcenterwlcm/1.0/ho...
How to Proc Compare your Output Alternative method to compare datasets without Proc Compare Let's go vertical to compare all differences by subject When comparing datasets, there are three main levels that can impact differences. It is also helpful to know if the two datasets are expected to be...
PROC COMPARE is one of those workhorse procedures in the Base SAS(R) closet that deserves to be dusted off, tuned up and pressed into service again! With well-chosen PROC COMPARE options and statements, you can compare pairs of SAS datasets at multiple levels without the need for DATA step...
Re: Proc Compare Datasets Which Increase In Size Posted 03-08-2012 01:50 PM (2084 views) | In reply to slolay Create a second data set that only has data that is in the first set and use that to compare to your first set. *Get a subset of your second data set; proc sql; ...
这里使用VAR和WITH指定了数据qc_l2和l2之间的变量映射关系,无需在使用 PROC COMPARE 之前对变量进行重命名操作。 巧用位掩码解析 SYSINFO 🔹 位掩码介绍 在SAS 中,位掩码(bit mask)被归类为一种特殊的常数(constant),通常用于进行比特位的检测。 位掩码由数字 0, 1 和点(.)组成,例如:'1.0000'b,为了与字...
SAS利用proc compare进行双录入校验和数据核对 AS利用proc compare进行双录入校验和数据核对 (2010-08-16 23:26:26)转载▼ 标签: 杂谈 1、简单比较两个数据集 FILE_1.TXT 001M10211946130 80 002F12201950110 70 003M09141956140 90 004F10101960180100 007m10321940184110 FILE_2.TXT 001M1021194613080 002F122...
Williams, Chapel Hill, NC ABSTRACT PROC COMPARE is one of those workhorse procedures in the Base SAS ® closet that deserves to be dusted off, tuned up and pressed into service again! With well-chosen PROC COMPARE options and statements, you can compare pairs of SAS datasets at multiple ...
PROCCOMPARE–WorthAnotherLook! ChristiannaS.Williams,ChapelHill,NC ABSTRACT PROCCOMPAREisoneofthoseworkhorseproceduresintheBaseSAS ® closetthatdeservestobedustedoff, tunedupandpressedintoserviceagain!Withwell-chosenPROCCOMPAREoptionsandstatements,youcan comparepairsofSASdatasetsatmultiplelevelswithouttheneedfor...
系统宏变量回返回过程步的结果,有的时候非常有用。比如我们需要做一个宏工具,来扫描指定的两个逻辑库下,所有同名数据集是否相同。 这个时候我们需要程序自动读取过程步proc compare的信息。如果没有sysinfo,那么我们可能需要通过导出数据集,然后对比数据集得出结论。但是sysinfo这个宏变量可以让我们直接获取需要的信息。
在SAS base 中,PROC COMPARE 可以比较两个数据集的差异,实际工作中常应用在 ADaM 和 TFL 的 QC 中,下面介绍一些 PROC COMPARE 常用的使用技巧。 指定主键 默认情况下,PROC COMPARE 从第一个观测开始,逐行对比两个数据集的观测。在数据集没有增减观测的情况下,这样做一般没有问题。如果两个数据在观测数量上存在...