More pros, more regions, always up-to-date. Get your League of Legend probuild needs from the newest pro player build resource. Powered by the U.GG team
More pros, more regions, always up-to-date. Get your League of Legend probuild needs from the newest pro player build resource. Powered by the U.GG team. ProbuildLive Feed All Roles Top Jungle Middle Bot Support All Regions FacebookTwitterInstagramRedditDiscord...
We provide the latest and best champion Build, Probuilds, Guides, Skill and Item Buy Orders, Runes and many more for all Champions from the best League of Legends Pros in the world.
Based on ourLoL Adc Tier Listfrom pro builds at patch15.3,Twitch– the Plague Rat – is aA-Tier champion. Among professional League of Legends players,Twitchis most often selected on theAdcposition. This is your source to learn all aboutTwitch Probuildsand to learnhow to play Twitch. This...
勝利 單排 13分鐘前 6/6/14 251 補兵 - 16k金幣 W Q E Massu (NA) VS 失敗 單排 14分鐘前 13/9/8 256 補兵 - 17.5k金幣 Q W E Dardoch OpTic Gaming(NA) VS 失敗 單排 17分鐘前 13/9/8 250 補兵 - 19.1k金幣 Q W E Quad (NA) ...
Sion– The Undead Juggernaut – is aB-Tier champion. Among professional League of Legends players, Sionis most often selected on the Topposition. This is your source to learn all aboutSion Probuildsand to learnhow to play Sion. This page shows youhow a pro builds Sionin detail. Solo queue...
Based on ourLoL Top Tier Listfrom pro builds at patch15.3,Teemo– the Swift Scout – is aA-Tier champion. Among professional League of Legends players,Teemois most often selected on theTopposition. This is your source to learn all aboutTeemo Probuildsand to learnhow to play Teemo. This pa...
Shyvana– the Half-Dragon – is aA-Tier champion. Among professional League of Legends players, Shyvanais most often selected on the Jungleposition. This is your source to learn all aboutShyvana Probuildsand to learnhow to play Shyvana. This page shows youhow a pro builds Shyvanain detail. ...
Based on ourLoL Jungle Tier Listfrom pro builds at patch14.23,Lee Sin– the Blind Monk – is aA-Tier champion. Among professional League of Legends players,Lee Sinis most often selected on theJungleposition. This is your source to learn all aboutLee Sin Probuildsand to learnhow to play ...
Based on ourLoL Mid Tier Listfrom pro builds at patch14.23,Ahri– the Nine-Tailed Fox – is aS-Tier champion. Among professional League of Legends players,Ahriis most often selected on theMidposition. This is your source to learn all aboutAhri Probuildsand to learnhow to play Ahri. This...