UNIT10 Social Problems in the United States 美国的社会问题 种族问题 与大多数其他国家不同,美国主要是一个移民国家。 Racial Problems Unlike most other countries, the United States is primarily a nation of immigrants. 这些公民或他们的祖先是从世界各地移民过来的——有些是为了躲避宗教和政治迫害的难民,有...
SocialproblemsintheunitedstatesContentsCrimeDrugabusePovertyRacialproblemsTheAbuseofPowerbyGovernmentandCorporationsSpeechonRace 第十节:社会问题—种族问题—奥巴马 “ButraceisanissuethatIbelievethisnationcannotaffordtoignorerightnow.” --- BarackHusseinObama LanguageandracialdiscriminationBlackguardblacklistblacksheepBla...
•PovertyintheUnitedStatesiscyclicalinnaturewithroughly12%to15%livingbelowthefederalpovertylineatanygivenpointintime,androughly40%fallingbelowthepovertylineatsometimewithina10yeartimespan.•In2006,povertyrateforminorsintheUnitedStateswas21.9%-highestchildpovertyrateinthedevelopedworld.DrugAbuse •Alcoholabuse...
Thehistory ofracialproblems ThefirstblackswerebroughttoNorthAmericanin1619.Withinafewdecadesthedemandfortheircheaplaborledtoamassiveslavetradethatultimatelytransportedsome400000Africanstothiscontinent,wheretheyweresoldlikeTheslavecattleatauctions.auction Civil War TheNorthernstateshadalloutlawedslaveryby1830,butthe...
persistent social problem to American society. The origin of racial problems The history of racial problems The slave auction The first blacks were brought to North American in 1619 . Within a few decades the demand for their cheap labor led to a massive slave trade that ultimately transported ...
Within a few decades the demand for their cheap labor led to a massive slave trade that ultimately transported some 400 000 Africans to this continent, where they were sold like cattle at auctions. Civil War The Emancipation Proclamation The Northern states had all outlawed slavery by1830, but ...
Compared with many industrialized nations, the United States ranks alongside the least generous countries in terms of providing a balanced lifestyle between work and family life. For instance, the United States does not even provide national paid family leave. This article provides the history, ...
Gordon R: Problems in the Measurement and Performance of Service-Sector Productivity in the United States. Cambridge, Massachusetts: National Bureau of Economic Research (Working Paper 5519); 1996.Gordon, R.J. (1996) Problems in the measurement and performance of service-sector pro- ductivity in...
(b) those who contend that overt forms of racism are still so strong in the United States that even the survey form can successfully detect them. Consistent with the second of these two views, a full 55.6 percent of the population adopts a pattern of responses consistent with deeply ...
opportunity to compensate for its inadequate attention to Latin America in recent years, the expert said, however adding that "we are living in a multipolar world" in which the United States cannot act like it did in the past, even in a region considered to be within its sphere of ...