Hi, thank you for some help on alleviating hip pain and stiffness. Just wondering with the no.4. Knee to the side if I should persist in trying to do it, my hips keep locking when I try to move them out to the side. Even if I can get them a little way that’s a start… isn...
This type of arthritis typically starts off making your low back and hips stiff and sore, especially in the morning. Over time, it can spread up your spine and to other joints and organs. Vertebrae and bones in your rib cage could fuse, leaving you hunched over. Young men get it more ...
Keep the optimal weight.Avoid extra pounds by providing proper nutrition, regular meals, and specially designed treats for dogs. Keeping your dog lean and well-muscled is the best thing you can do to protect your dog’s hips. Make sure that he gets plenty of exercise and maintains a healthy...
Everything, Hips, knees, elbows…How does the joint pain factor into the menopause? Is it possible that it triggered arthritis? I have made an appointment with my GP but am trying to understand the physiology behind all these new changes. Remove Ads dovidio2090 over a year ago I ...
Parents with healthy hips are more likely to produce puppies with healthy hips. 5/26 Labrador Retriever: Obesity Any dog can become overweight, but labs are especially prone to it. And just like with people, obesity is linked to health problems in dogs. Labs need vigorous daily exercise. If...
Joints where the tubes are welded are compromised and separated. Appears to be a fatigue failure. In January 2013, with much argument with GM about replacing the seat frame, they finally agreed to replace it for a deposit of $300. This before GM had to go to congress to explain their ...
Most vets will say it’s perfectly fine to give your dog a supplement for bones and joints, such as glucosamine and chondroitin. While some may doubt the benefit, most will agree that they certainly won’t hurt. Our vet is a holistic vet and favors natural remedies when possible. She has...
Ankylosing spondylitis(AS) is a type of progressivearthritisthat primarily affects spine and the related ligaments and joints. It can also affect other joints and organs in the body, including the eyes,lungs, kidneys, shoulders, knees, hips, heart, and ankles. About one-third ofankylosing spondy...
Hi. Yes, hip dysplasia is a hereditary disease. If it`s severe, it can cause arthritis of the joints and crippling lameness. Occasionally, it may be found among humans, but it`s a dog`s disease. It manifests in early lafe, usually from birth. Dysplasia of the hip is more common in...
HIPSPELVISThe problems of movement apparatus in children, youth and even adolescents aren't connected with "a weakness of muscles" but with a shortening of muscles, tendons, and capsules which in orthopaedic literature is called "contracture" [1] [2] [3] [4]. The older way of thinking ...