Regarding the first research aim, the study identifies the degree to which resident-related factors in nursing homes located in the Netherlands are associated with the present care problems. For the second aim, the study explores which of the resident-related factors were associated with each specif...
A total of 3043 residents were included (mean age 81.9; SD: 10.5). The most prevalent care problem was incontinence (n = 1834; 60.3%). Nurse proxy-rated confusion (r = 0.227;p < 0.001) and aggression (r = 0.285;p = 0.001) were associated strongest with the su...
Classifying the disorders associated with burdensome somat- ic concerns has been a challenging exercise in psychiatric nosology. The classifications of these conditions in ICD-10 and DSM-IV have not fared much better than earlier attempts. Even though not exactly identical, these classifications were ...
proportion to the perceived threat and associated with significant impairment (ICD 10, World Health Organization 1993); however, fears below this threshold are common (Ollendick et al. 2002) and, as Meltzer and colleagues argue, can also significantly interfere with daily activities and family ...
Internalising disorders, according to ICD-10, were also assessed in the clinical sample. For both samples, age, gender, and impact of comorbid IP in the clinical range (above 90th percentile) for CP were explored. Results revealed that in both samples, participants with CP showed a high ...
A diagnosis of insomnia referring to ICD-10 or DSM-IV criteria had, therefore, to be approximated. Al- so, our screening diagnosis has not been externally validated. However, compar- isons with the results of previous stud- ies suggest that the algorithm chosen in this study allows for...
Determinants were frequently found in the following categories: individual factors, family or home environment and violent victimisation. In these categories, risk factors were similar to those in SBS. For example, being female, later adolescent years, parents with a lower education level or ...
Assessment tools to measure burden in the informal caregiver of patients with dementia 2013, Revista Espanola de Geriatria y Gerontologia Show abstract Confirmatory factor analysis of the Spanish version of the revised memory and behavior problems checklist 2015, International Psychogeriatrics Family Dynamics...
“an engagement with gambling that leads to a decrement to the health or wellbeing of an individual, family unit, community or population” [29]. These definitions are consistent with the World Health Organization’s (WHO) (1946) definition of health as “a state of complete physical, mental...
We observed an incremental increase of $712 among patients with spine problems relative to those without spine problems in the weighted sample. Although there were no changes in the 3-digit ICD-9-CM codes for spine-related conditions during the study years, the observed prevalence of spine ...