Do you suffer from erection problems? How to cure erectile dysfunction? There are a number of options available to treat impotence, including surgery, injections, prescriptions medicines, and natural pills for erectile dysfunction treatment.
Speak with your doctor if you think one of your medications may be causing this in you. Prostate enlargement: It’s a normal part of aging for many men. It may also play a role. A lot of men have dealt with or are dealing with erectile dysfunction. If you think you may have it, ...
The first things doctors usually prescribe to people with erectile dysfunction are pills like: Avanafil (Stendra) Sildenafil (Viagra) Tadalafil (Cialis) Vardenafil (Levitra, Staxyn) They are taken anywhere from 15 minutes to 36 hours before having sex, depending on the drug. You shouldn’t use ...
Do you have problems with erection? We have the solution! Zytax is a product of your erections and improves sexual desire
Erectile dysfunction concerns not only men after 40! Lack of physical activity, stress, drugs, or even an unhealthy diet may cause problems in these matters, which can affect anyone – even a young and confident man! Statistics prove that more than 13% of problems with erectile dysfunctions co...
Erectile dysfunction with sudden onset and no previous history of sexual dysfunction suggests a psychogenic cause unless there was a previous surgery or genital trauma. The loss of nocturnal erections will suggest a neurologic or vascular cause. Finally, when an erection is not sustained, its loss...
1.Derosa G, Romano D, Tinelli C, et al. Prevalence and associations of erectile dysfunction in a sample of Italian males with type 2 diabetes[J]. Diabetes Res Clin Pract, 2015,108(2):329⁃335. 2. Nowosielski K,Skrzypulec-Plinta V. Mediators ofsexualfunctionsin women with diabetes. ...
Anyway, from what we’ve been reading, there are a lot of possible reasons. For example, if you have been a heavy smoker for years, your blood circulation may be poor, which means you may be experiencing problems with blood reaching and staying in the penis i.e erectile problems. ...
When men with erectile dysfunction can raise erections, they may climax quickly—premature ejaculation. When men with premature ejaculation have sex, they may suffer erectile dysfunction. Stress contributes to both problems. On the sex Q&A site I publish, many men express great distress ...
Like Joseph (Case Study), many men find it difficult to obtain help and advice with erectile dysfunction, even though in many cases it can be a symptom of a diagnosed condition such as Parkinsons disease. Erectile dysfunction is also associated with a number of long-term conditions ...