China;Citation: Zhong Q, Huang H. Problems of Clinicians in Using Electronic Medical Records and Countermeasures. Chin Med Rec Engl Ed, 2014; 2(2): 51–4.;Huang, HuiInformation Department of Shenzhen Pingshan Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, P.R. China;...
mostmedical encounters arestilldocumented onpaper medical records. Theelectronic medical record hasnu- merous documented benefits, yetitsuseisstillsparse. Thisarticle describes thestateofelectronic medical re- cords, theiradvantage overexisting paperrecords, the problems impeding theirimplementation, andconcern...
realize the paperless of electronic medical records as soon as possible,these problems can be eliminated from the root.Problems related with electronic signatures,various consultation records,nursing records and putting laboratory sheets,imaging and pictures into electronic medical records need to be ...
Medchain: Securing Electronic Medical Records with a Peer to Peer Networks and Distributed File System Though the advances in technology have changed every aspect of our lives, it has barely budged the way we think about our medical records being stored across various platforms. This electronic doc...
With the development of information society,electronic medical records has been gradually replacing the hand-written medical records; quality tracking was done on electronic medical records to identify existing problems and propose strategies,which allows medical records information to provide better services...
Electronic Medical Records and Privacy: Purpose, Benefits and ProblemsElectronic Medical Records and Privacy: Purpose, Benefits and ProblemsFunke, OdeliaFunke, O., 2008, Electronic medical records and privacy, Purpose, Benefits and problems.Funke, O. , 2008-08-28 "Electronic Medical Records and Priv...
electronic medical records provides a possible, electronic medical records is inevitable and leap of the development of medical records, it inherited the entire contents of the paper medical records on the one hand, on the other hand is to the innovation and development of paper medical records. ...
Privacy by Data Provenance with Digital Watermarking - A Proof-of-Concept Implementation for Medical Services with Electronic Health Records Security is one of the biggest concerns about Cloud Computing. Most issues are related to security problems faced by cloud providers, who have to ensure th......
Method EQs, identifying patients with potential DRPs and/or those requiring a medication review were compared with a CP-conducted manual check of all electronic medical records (EMRs), during their standard activities. The queries were aimed at identifying patients receiving drugs such as cytochrome ...
Evidence-based medicine (EBM) has as its aim and concern the identification and evaluation of the entire body of published evidence concerning a medical problem with a view to making the results available, assessable and easily usable in medical practice