When our furry friends gaze up at us with those big, expressive eyes, it’s hard not to feel a surge of affection. Our dogs’ eyes are not just windows to their souls but crucial indicators of their health. As we move into 2024, understanding dog eye problems has never been more impor...
6 Significant Dog Collar Colors, Explained Kid-Friendly Cat Breeds the Family Will Love A Vet Reveals Crucial Winter Safety Tips for Dogs These Disney-Inspired Dog Names Are Magical The #1 Thing to Remember When Flying With Your Dog The Cutest Calico Cat Names for a New Kitten ...
Closed eyes Cloudiness Discharge Excess tearing Redness Rubbing the eye Rubbing the face on the ground It may help to see actual photosof other dogs’ eye issues along with their ultimate diagnoses… Click herefor a complete dog eye issue slideshow and click the images to jump to more detailed...
Cockapoos are companion dogs, and need to be with their family as much as possible. They live to befriend everybody, making walks in the park very sociable events, but for the same reason, they are not guard dogs, and very rarely show any hint of aggression. As they are very gentle ...
About 70% of dogs are infected with the herpes virus, but for most adult dogs this virus does not lead to serious consequences. This applies to adult animals. In newborn puppies, infection of herpes with a virus leads to death in almost 100% of cases. ...
Look for signs such as: squinting; watery eyes; unequal pupils; excessive blinking; or severely bloodshot eyes. By the way, did you know that eye injuries can result from dogs riding with their heads outside open car windows? Although many dogs love this, bits of debris can enter the ...
problems in their eyes can apply for (申报) guide dogs. I was very excited In 2015,after about three years of waiting, I received Mango,a guide dog. My guide dog Mango has been with me for more than 5 years. Before applying for a guide dog, I had very little contact (接触) with...
Sometimes dogs with unpigmented third eyelids will look like they have conjunctivitis. This is because the conjunctiva always looks a little pink, but usually there isn’t anything wrong. Dry Eye Dry eye is literally just that, dry eyes. Maybe you’ve been to the vet and they’ve used tho...
Pug Dog Eyes Overview Pugs have large, gorgeous, dark eyes. Because they are so big and protrude slightly, this makes Pugs more prone to certain eye issues, though some eye problems seen with this breed are either common to small breeds or to dogs in general. Because debris can easily ent...
Dogs have learned to live with humans and like to please us. But, we still have to train them to avoid some of their more destructive behaviors. We have prepared a guide on some of the most common dog behaviors, dog sudden behavior change, what they mean, and how you can address them...