The existence of generalized Lagrange multipliers is proved for a class of evolution problems for linear differential operators of various types subject to constraints on the derivatives. Those Lagrange multipliers and the respective solutions are stable for the vanishing of the coercive parameter and ...
We prove the existence of the Lagrange multipliers for a constrained optimization problem, being the constraint set given by the convex set which characterizes the most important equilibrium problems. In order to obtain our result, we’ll make use of the new concept of quasi relative interior. Th...
On Lagrange–Kuhn–Tucker multipliers for Pareto optimization problems - Travain () Citation Context ...and that the unit dual ball BX∗ is w∗-sequentially compact. Our approach consists in using a support function [1, 2, 11, 12, 20] together with the schalarization technique proposed ...
Constraint qualifications and Lagrange multipliers in nondifferentiable programming problems 来自 国家科技图书文献中心 喜欢 0 阅读量: 25 作者: A Jourani 摘要: In this paper, we present several constraint qualifications, and we show that these conditions guarantee the nonvacuity and the boundedness ...
On Lagrange Multiplier Rules for Set-Valued Optimization Problems in the Sense of Set CriterionFritz John multipliersKarush-Kuhn-Tucker multipliersoptimality conditionsoriented distance functionset-valued optimizationIn this paper, we obtain a new scalar representation of set-valued optimization problems by ...
The approach is based on searching for the saddle-point of a new potential energy functional with Lagrange multipliers. The interfaces can be either straight or curved, open or closed. The two coupling conditions, equilibrium and compatibility, along an interface are fulfilled in a weak sense by...
Fish J,Belsky V,Pandheeradi M.Iterative and direct solvers for interface problems with lagrange multiples. Computing Systems . 1995Fish, J., Belsky, V. and Pandheeradi, M., ‘Iterative and direct solvers for interface problems with Lagrange multipliers’, Computing Systems in Engineering 6 (3...
This paper deals with Lagrange multiplier rules for constrained set-valued optimization problems in infinite-dimensional spaces, where the multipliers appear as scalarization functions of the maps instead of the derivatives. These rules provide necessary conditions for weak minimizers under hypotheses of st...
Our results indicate that the proposed Lagrange method is effective and efficient in computing good regularized solutions of ill-conditioned linear systems and in computing the corresponding Lagrange multipliers. Moreover, our numerical experiments show that the Lagrange method is computationally convenient....
that it is the vector of Lagrange multipliers associated with a set of constraints that were initially inequalities. We now have the standard primal-dual system (3) f(x) −A(x) T y = 0 −µe +WY e = 0 h(x) −w = 0. In order to solve this system, we use Newton’s ...