The small scale and cottage industries face number of problems. As a result many small scale units turn sick and a large number have to close down. The magnitude of sickness among the small-sector units would be clear from the fact that at the end of March 2013, as many as 2, 49,...
Despite intentions to scaleup manufacturing since 1991, industry’s contribution to the GDP has declined. The challenge for manufacturing in India has been that it lacks linkages. The lack of infrastructure pushes up the ...
MSME`S IN INDIA: PROBLEMS, SOLUTIONS AND PROSPECTUS IN PRESENT SCENARIO In present scenario of business, the micro, small and medium enterprises have been accepted as the engine of growth for promoting equitable development .The MSME`S also have the vital role in dispersal of industries and gene...
I had bought a one-way plane ticket from a small town in India to go to the United States to pursue my advanced studies in engineering. Most students in my situation would have had a full scholarship or wealthy parents who could fund their education. I had neither of them. Read More ...
The failure of the USD 100-billion climate finance pledge under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) could be attributed to a
SOURCES OF FINANCE FOR MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES IN NIGERIA Initial attempts of developed and developing countries to eradicate poverty focused on the development of large scale industries, based on the traditional economy of scale theory. However, the economic downturn that followed the coll...
Python is by far the most popular language in science, due in no small part to the ease at which it can be used and the vibrant ecosystem of user-generated packages. To install packages, there are two main methods: Pip (invoked as pip install), the package manager that comes bundled wi...
Such industries are evident in handicrafts, catering, tailoring, dressmaking, beauty culture, retailing of dry goods, pottery and furniture making on a small scale. Cottage industries developed mainly out of the need for an additional source of income, because of the need to use one's spare ...
However, at this point we are a bit lost, as we have two different suggestions for the production process. We are not sure which one is better, we only made small scale lab tests and both seem fine, but are not sure if in the long term one is better or correct for this purpose. ...
Python is by far the most popular language in science, due in no small part to the ease at which it can be used and the vibrant ecosystem of user-generated packages. To install packages, there are two main methods: Pip (invoked as pip install), the package manager that comes bundled ...