Solving the financing problem in rural areas and improving the level of economic development in rural areas become important guarantees for the expansion of domestic demand. This research, through studying the current situation of rural financing, pointed out the main factors restricting the financing ...
Problems which/that face start-ups and small firms in rural areas are... 例如: The scope of the problem [主语] facing the world’s cities [定语] is [系动词] immense. [表语] 祝学习愉快! 版权申明:知识和讨论来自课程:《零基础直达BEC商务英语高级【职场精英随学班】》的学员和老师,如果想了解...
EcologicalandEnvironmentalProblemsinRuralAreasinChinaandTheirCountermeasures WANGJi!ye(departmentofTourism,Resourcesan Environment,ZaozhuangUniversity,Zaozhuang,Shan ong2 60) AbstractEcoIogicaIan environmentaIprobIems uringeconomic eveIopmentinChinawereanaIyze .An countermeasurestotheprobIems werepropose . KeywordsRu...
We support businesses in rural and urban areas to accommodate everyone’s needs. Our experts will assist you in making the right decision when it comes to size, power and other features of our heavy-duty equipment. You can also receive a free quote when you speak with a MacAllister ...
Difficulties in implementing social work intervention for the left-ome elderly in rural areas are the lack of social workers and poor service accessibility to the rural areas.However,it is highly possible to undertake social work intervention in the problems,for such reasons as,achieveable lessons ga...
Abstract:Withthedevelopmentoftheruraleconomy,theenvironmentalpollutionproblemsbecomemoreand moreserious.ThepaperanalysesthemainreasonsofenvironmentalpollutioninruralareasofFulaerjidistrict andputsforwardsuggestionstosolvetheenvironmentalpollutionproblems. Keywords:Ruralarea Environmentalproblem Control Suggestion 收稿日期:2013...
Heroin addicts are equally likely to be in rural communities as suburban, middle-class communities. 美国目前的海洛因成瘾危机正在挑战“对药物滥用采取严厉措施”的观念,因为成瘾者主要是白人。 The current heroin addiction crisis in the US is challenging notions of "getting tough on drug abuse" bec...
do you have watsapp or viber? 什么电话是您现在使用? 您是否有watsapp或viber ?[translate] ato introduce green energy to Madagascar and to stress problems facing women in rural areas in China. 介绍绿色能量给马达加斯加和给重音问题在乡区的面对妇女在中国。[translate]...
Selected problems of socioeconomic changes in rural areasrural areas human resourcesunemploymentEU fundsmultifunctional developmentThe paper contains the approach of description of premises related to labour resources use improvement. It is based on characteristics of changes in the number of people living ...
Biomass energy resources and its consumption in China′s farming area are analyzed.The effects of the discharge of noxious gases caused by the consumption of biofuel are discussed.It is believed that decrease of the biofuel consumption led to the direct threat to the rural environment.Development ...