The kinetics of the slow combustion of the three xylene isomers have been studied manometrically in a quartz vessel, under static conditions at subatmospheric pressures over the temperature range from 410 to 550 degrees, employing 1:1 to 1:20 hydrocarbon: oxygen mixtures. It was shown that W-...
Python is by far the most popular language in science, due in no small part to the ease at which it can be used and the vibrant ecosystem of user-generated packages. To install packages, there are two main methods: Pip (invoked as pip install), the package manager that comes bundled wi...
Methodological problems encountered in the review of research in science teachingdoi:10.1002/sce.3730560310E. P. LawlorF. X. Lawlor
The present study is conducted to find out various problems encountered in teaching/learning science with reference to students with visual impairment (V.I.). 50 students with V.I. and six teachers of three special schools situated in Haryana and Delhi were purposively selected in the study. ...
Tracking an innovation in introductory CS education from a research university to a two-year college Innovations in teaching and learning computer science education can easily be overly-specific to a given institution, or type of institution. For example, ... AE Tew,C Fowler,M Guzdial - ACM 被...
A DEFECT of intellectual character, national in its incidence, is revealed at conferences qf teachers and in the reports issued by associations of schoolmasters and others concerned in educating English boys and girls. In this country the teacher, like the man in the street, is too narrowly “...
Is the public school system rightly entitled to the power it exercises in establishing curricula that parents might find objectionable—e.g., science curricula that mandate the teaching ofhuman evolutionbut notcreationismorintelligent designand literature curricula that mandate the teaching of novels deali...
Read the latest articles of Current Problems in Surgery at, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature
TWO striking addresses dealing, inter alia, with J- the teaching of science in secondary schools have recently appearedthe—the Pedler lecture of the British Science Guild, by Prof. Irvine Masson,1 and the presidential address to the Science Masters' Association, by the headmaster of Harrow.2 ...
This paper proposes a conceptual framework in which wicked problems are analysed from their ontological, epistemological, and ethical commitments. Subsequently, they are framed within post-normal science, drawing on critical discourse in science studies and science education. Chief to the arguments is a...