Male sexual dysfunction can be caused by physical or psychological problems. Common sexual problems in men include erectile dysfunction (impotence or ED), premature ejaculation, and loss of libido. Sexual health is an important part of a man's life, no matter his age, civil status, or sexual...
In addition in men gonadal dysfunction is believed to be due to reduced conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone caused by low levels of 5α-reductase in coeliac sprue. This leads to derangement of the hypothalamicpituitary axis. Hyperprolactinaemia is seen in 25% of coeliac patients, ...
An infection of the prostate, urethra, or testes, which can be initiated bysexually transmitted diseases, such aschlamydia Anallergic reaction Lack of sexual desiremay be due to any of these factors: Physical illness Hormonal abnormality (usuallylow testosteronelevels) Drugs to treat Histamine...
That's because in some cases, hypothyroidism is caused by issues with your pituitary gland, which also results in lower testosterone levels. Once you address your low hormone levels, you may see improvement with your erectile dysfunction. Lack of ovulation Some people with hypothyroidism do not ...
Hormonal problems such as low testosterone One type of blood test can check your thyroid function. Your thyroid helps with the flow of sex hormones. This test can check whether it’s working right. Overnight erection test Usually, men have three to five erections during the night as they sl...
Infertility in men is most often caused by a problem with sperm cells, which can include low sperm count, problems with the sperm's ability to move, or abnormally shaped sperm. Factors that might affect sperm include: Advertisement | page continues below ...
Depression,stressand relationship problems can often be responsible for causing impotence in a man. Stress caused by issues such as job worries or money problems may manifest itself in erectile dysfunction. Hormonal factors A low level of testosteronein a man's body may be a cause of impotence....
Adam, R. D., Paquin, M. L., Petersen, E. A., Saubolle, M. A., Rinaldi, M. G., Corcoran, J. G., Galgiani, J. N., Sobonya, R. E.Phaeohyphomycosis caused by the fungal generaBipolarisandExserohilum. A report of 9 cases and review of the literature. Medicine 1986, 65: ...
Hormonal problems such as low testosterone One type of blood test can check your thyroid function. Your thyroid helps with the flow of sex hormones. This test can check whether it’s working right. Overnight erection test Usually, men have three to five erections during the night as they sl...
Inhibited desire, or loss oflibido, refers to a decrease in desire for, or interest in sexual activity. Reducedlibidocan result from physical or psychological factors. It has been associated with low levels of the hormonetestosterone. It also may be caused by psychological problems, such asanxiet...