B、Process pattern. C、 Division pattern. D、Cause and effect pattern. 你可能感兴趣的试题 判断题 鸟巢蕨夏季需要遮荫,否则会造成叶片焦枯。经常向叶片及植株四周喷水,保持湿润 答案:正确 手机看题 单项选择题 当外界环境温度达到30℃以上时,猪的体温会升高 ...
The problem-solution essay topics like Juvenile Delinquency are based on real-life situations and issues and are essential to be familiar with the pattern of the essay topics in order to perform well in Writing Task 2. If you want to practise regularly, check out the Writing Task 2 practice...
Description The writer presents information in a structure that resembles an outline. Each section opens with its main idea, then elaborates on it, sometimes dividing the elaboration onto subsections. Example: a book may tell all about whales or describe what the geography is like in a particula...