The classic scheme for constructing a modern system for controlling the parameters of the angular motion of a spacecraft involves the use of high-precision gyroscopes, periodically adjusted according to the readings of optoelectronic devices. The most widely used in orientation and navigation systems ar...
So much of how modern audiences perceive Middle-earth comes down to the breathtaking designs of Jackson'sLord of the Ringsmovies and everything to do with illustrators Alan Lee and John Howe. Not only were the pair responsible for the concept art for all threeLord of the Ringsfilms, but Le...
(2007): The Shadow of Rule: Colonial Power and Modern Pun-ishment in Africa. In: Frank Dikötter (Ed.): Cultures of Confinement: AGlobal History of the Prison in Asia, Africa, the Middle-East and LatinAmerica. London: Christopher Hurst, pp. 55-94.Black Lives Matter (2020): Six ...