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1. Solve any of the maths facts on the board. 2. Find the piece in the inventory with the correct response. 3. Turn the piece to match the space on the board by tapping it. 4. Drag the response to the problem it answers.
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1. Solve any of the maths facts on the board. 2. Find the piece in the inventory with the correct response. 3. Turn the piece to match the space on the board by tapping it. 4. Drag the response to the problem it answers. 5. Click! The piece will lock in place and you are a...
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1. Solve any of the maths facts on the board. 2. Find the piece in the inventory with the correct response. 3. Turn the piece to match the space on the board by tapping it. 4. Drag the response to the problem it answers. 5. Click! The piece will lock in place and you are a...