Learning Social Sciences (IPS) is not as expected where it is found in the implementation of learning, teachers still apply conventional learning processes, in presenting the material concepts teachers sometimes only use the lecture method, by utilizing textbooks to handle each student. This makes th...
Strategy of problem solving that can be developed in mathematics learning is Polya's strategy. This study aims to analyze the problem solving difficulties of elementary school students based on Polya strategy. To support this research,descriptive analysis is used on seven elementary school students. ...
The Enhancement of Problem-Solving Using Jigsaw Learning Model in The Geometruc Material on The 5th Grade at SDN 1 Petir Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan keterampilan pemecahan masalah padamateri bangun ruang peserta didik kelas V SDN 1 Petir dengan mengimplementasikan modelpembelajaran...
The study aims to find out : (1) the influence of the learning model on students problem solving ability of the digestive system topic, ( 2 ) the influence of learning model on students critical thinking abilities in the digestive tract ... M. Hasruddin,M. Sipahutar - Pengaruh pembelajaran...
Contextual mathematical questions make it difficult for students to solve, however, the problem is needed to train students' cognitive levels, furthermore, in contextual matters, students are required to have problem-solving abilities, which are the focus of mathematics learning by many experts. mathe...
This study aims to describe the improvement on seventh grade students of junior high school 1 Teras in solving math problem by using problem metode. This study belongs to classroom action research. The technique used for collecting data were observation, test, field notes, and documentation. The ...