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Practise multiplication, division and problem solving skills with a high-interest soccer-themed scenario activity. Soccer Stories – Maths Scenarios for Upper Years Ready to engage your reluctant maths students? Grab a soccer-themed scenario-based activity to help students practise their multiplication, ...
Forest plots and GRADE ratings are presented in eFigure 1 and eTable 4 in Supplement 1, respectively. Parental Outcomes Overall, PSST had a significant positive effect on problem-solving skills (12 studies including 1887 parents38-42,46,50,52-55,58; SMD, 0.43; 95% CI, 0.27-0.58; I2...
According toTable 6, the significance values for the pre- and post-test were 0.737 and 0.107, respectively. Both values are greater than 0.05, indicating that the data fall within the homogeneous category and that the variations in problem-solving skills data have the same variance. The results...
A set of 20 problem-solving questions suited for Grade 2 students.6 pagesGrade: 2 teaching resource Addition Match-Up Puzzles A set of 15 match-up cards to scaffold work with addition word problems.8 pagesGrades: 2 - 3 teaching resource Linking Addition and Subtraction Worksheet Explore the ...