a simple solution would be to increase the retirement age for working adults, perhaps from 65 to 70. Nowadays, people of this age tend to be healthy enough to continue a productive working life. A second measure would be for governments to encourage immigration in order to increase...
a simple solution would be to increase the retirement age for working adults, perhaps from 65 to 70. Nowadays, people of this age tend to be healthy enough to continue a productive working life. A second measure would be for governments to encourage immigration in order to increase...
和可能存在的反对意见争辩:主动提出几个潜在的读者反对意见,并用严密的逻辑来证明这些意见不正确。 2.Problem Solution Essay题目分享 解决问题类论文的话题有数十种不同的种类,常见的种类有Relationships(关系)、Sports(运动)、College Life(大学生活)、Education(教育)、Social Life(社会生活)、健康(health)、Environmen...
Firstly, a simple solution would be to increase the retirement age for working adults, perhaps from 65 to 70. Nowadays, people of this age tend to be healthy enough to continue a productive working life. A second measure would be for governments to encourage immigration in order to increase ...
problem solution essay范文 Cities are often seen as places of opportunity,but there are also some major drawbacks of living in a large metropolis.In my opinion,governments could do much more to improve city life for the average inhabitant. The main problem for anyone who hopes to migrate to ...
Problem Solution Essay创作流程 学生们能够依照下列好多个流程编写你的problem and solution essay: 1.用自身得话表明状况 最先用自身得话把状况写下来。你能在文章内容的前言一部分那样做。从特殊的视角或角度下手,尤其是当状况较为广泛的情况下。 比如,假如毕业论文提醒的状况是“肥胖症和不健康”,你能在详细介绍...
Problem solution essay是essay常见类型之一,可以理解成问题与解决方案论文, 尤其是像科目考试或雅思这样的短文创作。 它主要包含下列四个部分: 1.情景(Situation) 2.难题(problem) 3.解决方法(Solution) 4.评价(Evaluation) Problem solution essay创作流程: ...
problem solution essay写作步骤如下: 找到一个有意义的话题:写作者应该仔细地选择解决问题类论文的话题。如果是非命题论文,在选取话题时,我们可以进行头脑风暴,选择一些自己感兴趣且有争议性的话题,尽可能地进行充分的选择和思考,这样我们自己可以有话想说并能说服读者。需要注意的是,解决问题类论文的题目不宜太长太...
Problem Solution Essay普遍的错误 编写解决问题型的毕业论文时,请防止下列三个普遍错误: 1.没有拓宽你的念头 在problem solution essay中最普遍的错误是没有拓宽你的念头,只是简易地列举很多难题和解决方法。评委不愿意使你列举你全部能想起的问题和答案,因此考试中你最好别这样做。反过来,假如你掌握考试是怎么得分得...
Problem Solution Essay写作步骤 同学们可以按照以下几个步骤撰写你的problem solution essay: 1.用自己的话说明情况 首先用自己的话把情况写下来。你可以在文章的引言部分这样做。从特定的角度或视角入手,尤其是当情况比较宽泛的时候。 例如,如果论文提示的情况是肥胖和不健康,你可以在介绍些具体的情况。你可能会看到...