和可能存在的反对意见争辩:主动提出几个潜在的读者反对意见,并用严密的逻辑来证明这些意见不正确。 2.Problem Solution Essay题目分享 解决问题类论文的话题有数十种不同的种类,常见的种类有Relationships(关系)、Sports(运动)、College Life(大学生活)、Education(教育)、Social Life(社会生活)、健康(health)、Environmen...
Main body: Discuss the problem and talk about possible solutions. Problem1+solution1(一个问题加上一个解决方案,每一个段落都可以以这样一个方式来写) Problem2+solution2 Problem3+solution3 Useconditional sentencesto talk about solutions. E.g.Ifwe refused to pass along cyberbullying messages, told f...
和可能存在的反对意见争辩:主动提出几个潜在的读者反对意见,并用严密的逻辑来证明这些意见不正确。 2.Problem Solution Essay题目分享 解决问题类论文的话题有数十种不同的种类,常见的种类有Relationships(关系)、Sports(运动)、College Life(大学生活)、Education(教育)、Social Life(社会生活)、健康(health)、Environmen...
Problem Solution Essay普遍的错误 编写解决问题型的毕业论文时,请防止下列三个普遍错误: 1.没有拓宽你的念头 在problem solution essay中最普遍的错误是没有拓宽你的念头,只是简易地列举很多难题和解决方法。评委不愿意使你列举你全部能想起的问题和答案,因此考试中你最好别这样做。反过来,假如你掌握考试是怎么得分得...
Bullying in school(校园暴力); Dangers of procrastination(拖延症的风险); Fractures in family relationships(亲子关系的裂开); Overabundance of time spent on social media(沉溺于社交网络); Pollution(空气污染); Work-life balance(工作中与日常生活的均衡); ...
Writing a problem-solution essay about a problem in society is an appropriate topic for more advanced writers. Students can identify the problem with research. For example, a problem-solution essay can discuss the epidemic of bullying in schools, and students can find facts and figures that prove...
Problem Solution Essay写作步骤 同学们可以按照以下几个步骤撰写你的problem and solution essay: 1. 用自己的话说明情况 首先用自己的话把情况写下来。你可以在文章的引言部分这样做。从特定的角度或视角入手,尤其是当情况比较宽泛的时候。 例如,如果论文提示的情况是“肥胖和不健康”,你可以在介绍些具体的情况。你...
A. starting your essay with a brief description to provide the general information a reader needs in order to understand the topic B. concluding your essay by restating the problems C. including a thesis statement in your Introduction Paragraph D. developing your ideas with supporting details ...
What is a problem-solution essay used for? ( ) A. Exploring the relationship between solutions. B. Discussing possible methods to solve the problem. C. Exposing the seriousness of the problem. D. Demonstrating the efficiency of solutions. ...
Firstly, a simple solution would be to increase the retirement age for working adults, perhaps from 65 to 70. Nowadays, people of this age tend to be healthy enough to continue a productive working life. A second measure would be for governments to encourage immigration in order to increase ...