Moreover, an almost similar question also happened to appear in Codechef STARTERS 93. And an almost similar code, written by me, got accepted in it. Problem Link: Solution Link: Code...
The original Nowcoder problem is much harder than this CodeChef problem, only 88 participants solve it. In the merge function, we only consider uu and vv are from the different components in each iteration. In this case, d(u,v)=dep(u)+dep(v)d(u,v)=dep(u)+dep(v), where dep(...
Building Ultimate Data Structure and Algorithms in C++ Solution Repository. Solution to various DSA problems including problem from Leetcode, Codechef, GFG, Coding Ninjas. - Kanav-Arora/DSA-Guide
Building Ultimate Data Structure and Algorithms in C++ Solution Repository. Solution to various DSA problems including problem from Leetcode, Codechef, GFG, Coding Ninjas. Topics algorithms leetcode cpp codechef competitive-programming cpp11 backtracking codeforces hacktoberfest data-structures-and-algori...