1 启动ArcGIS时会提示problemconnectingto license manager的连接出错,然后就无法正常启动arcgis 简单核实 1 打开ArcGISadministrator 2 进入ArcGISadministrator界面,点击desktop下的可用性后提示:localhost没有有效的许可管理器,请输入一个有效的许可管理器。此时说明ArcGIS授权出现问题,无法识别localhost的管理器 3 打开lic...
在重装arcgis,有时正常使用,但突然某一天打不开,报错“problem connecting to license manager”,errorcode=-8或-16或其他的错误代码情况下,可以用以下方法尝试解决。 1、安装完成后不能打开,尝试将破解文件中的afcore.dll复制到desktop安装目录下的bin目录中。有时候你感觉是完成了以上操作,但殊不知电脑杀毒软件已经...
Problem Connecting to License Manager, Error Code = -158 Subscribe 14160 6 08-03-2016 02:14 PM by ScottSirotkin Emerging Contributor One of our users is getting the error message below when starting ArcMap. She can ping the server; we are using v...
ArcGIS License Manager can run on ports 27000 to 27009. Other programs may interfere with the connection if the same port is used, preventing ArcGIS Administrator from connecting to ArcGIS License Manager. To prevent this, connect to ArcGIS License Manager via a specific port. Launch ArcGIS Admin...
Connecting to the rd connection broker server Connection Bar Server Authentication Icon Connection Broker couldn't validate the settings specified in your RDP file. Connection Broker HA, Can't connect to SQL. Connection Error: The specified user name does not exist... Connection has been terminated...
Quartus 15.1 has no problem in connecting to a floating license on a remote server. Quartus 18 and 18.1 cannot consistently connect to the remote server, it's nearly impossible to compile a design. What is the difference? Subscribe More actions ...
If connecting to a database,telnetthe server with the port number the database is listening on. Is it clear? Review firewall settings and/or group policies, however it is not advised to disable them, even for testing.
App association files can now be downloaded in parallel by connecting to an Apple CDN instead of opening one connection per downloaded app CDN is dedicated to associated domains CDN uses single HTTP/2 connection for all associated domains on a device CDN Reduces load on your server CDN routes...
There was a problem connecting to the server I got this message constantly. Someone posted some ways here to get rid of it, but none of those worked for me. All it did was screw up my configuration (like removing items from the dock). But when I upgraded the OS to 17.2.1, the ...
I'm having an issue with License setup using Quartus 14.1 connecting to our licensing server. I am using 14.1 to support an existing design. We have some NIOS licenses on our server. We are going through an IT migration so new laptop and have re-instal...