10x) showed excellent segmentation accuracy of the tissue without artifacts (Dice score 0.919–0.938), with most Dice score fluctuations and lower for artifact classes related to inter-artifact misclassifications (here, the segmentation of tissue without artifacts allows for better estimation of overall...
Fusing uncertain pieces of information to obtain a synthetic estimation when those are inconsistent is a difficult task. A particularly appealing solution to solve such conflict or inconsistency is to look at maximal coherent subsets of sources (MCS), and to concentrate on those. Yet, enumerating...
Estimation of the Increase in Projectile Velocity in the Intermediate Ballistics Period. Cent. Eur. J. Energetic Mater. 2015, 12, 63–76. 30. Yong-hai, W. Analysis of the Temperature Field of a Gun Tube Based on Thermal-Solid Coupling. Res. J. Appl. Sci. 2013, 16, 4110–4117. [...
Based on this evidence, the experimental work was set up and involved a sample of grade 2 students from "Colozza" school in Campobasso in the south of Italy. A pre-test Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 596 14 of 20 was initially administered to both classes; it was constructed using the word ...
Maximum Efficiency Tracking for Wireless Power Transfer Systems with Dynamic Coupling Coefficient Estimation. IEEE Trans. Power Electron. 2017. [CrossRef] 16. Liu, Y.; Hu, A.P.; Madawala, U.K. Maximum Power Transfer and Efficiency Analysis of Different Inductive Power Transfer Tuning. In ...
These are based on insertion and swap neighborhood structures. As known, the computational complexity of both neighborhood structures is O n3m . For the traditional PFSP with the total flowtime criterion, Lia et al. [42] proposed a speed-up method for the swap and insertion neighborhood ...
Based on the modelling foundation proposed in Section 3, we establish a fuzzy mixed integer nonlinear programming model in Section 4 for the road-rail intermodal routing problem that fully considers to satisfy the customer demands on costs, timeliness and reliability. In Section 5, considering the ...