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By using problem-solving, students can make a number 30: 6 = 5. After building student understanding, the teacher invites students to solve problems on a worksheet. The teacher asks students to discuss and work together in groups to answer the questions asked. The teacher appoints groups I ...
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题目I loved school,and I really did.But since May came in,it had become an uncomfortable place.May was the tallest kid in our fifth grade class.However,her height wasn't a problem-her attitude was.No part of the student population was beyond the reach of May's t...
We’ll use Excel to carry out these same calculations, both as a set of worksheet formulas and as a VBA routine. In his Calvin and Hobbes comic strip, Bill Watterson has touched on velociraptor-human conflict, not as a physics problem but as a solution to an ecological problem (human ove...
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