Solution: Explain the solution clearly and in detail, your problem-solving strategy, and reasons why your solution will work. In this section, be sure to answer common objections, such as “there is a better solution,”“your solution is too costly,” and “there are more important problems ...
In-office wellness programs may help reduce stress levels, but they are hardly an ultimate solution to theproblem. 出自-2016年12月阅读原文 In America today, even teenagers suffer from stress, and theirproblemis even more serious than grown-ups'. ...
By taking the clause relational approach, the present study attempts to find how the students use causal relation when employing the Problem-Solution pattern in their essays. The investigation focuses on problem, which is a causative device, as well as a shell noun that can construct the text....
We focus on the adjectival uses of wenming and compare them with those of the English adjective civilised. In Chinese, an adjective can either modify a noun directly, implying a strong relationship between the modifying adjective and the noun, or with the aid of the particle de 的, indicating...
The drawback is that it requires to move through the infeasible region until a feasible solution is found, and then remove vertices to make it minimal. Algorithm 1 provides the pseudocode of the GRASP metaheuristics we propose for the WSSP. They start from the empty set and progressively ...
33、legalization and the consequences(para 16)III. Solution: deglamorization (paras. 27-31)A. A lesson to learn from the anti-smoking campaigh (paras 27-28)B. Moral persuasion and mild repression (paras 29-31)IV. thesis: a large-scale propaganda campaign (para 32)3.2 Writing Devices3.2...
•PartIIISolution:deglamorization(paras.27-31)•A.Alessontolearnfromtheantismokingcampaign(paras.27-28)•B.Moralpersuasionandmildrepression(paras.29-31)•PartIVThesis:alarge-scalepropagandacampaign(para.32)DetailedDiscussiononText simplyadv.•usedforemphasizingthatwhatyouaresayingisnothingmorethan...
In stag-hunt coordination games, the attempt to coordinate on an individually and collectively optimal solution exposes players to the risk of a loss. Individual agents might therefore opt for a collectively inefficient but safer outcome18. Indeed, theoretical work19,20,21,22as well as experimental...
PartIIISolution:deglamorization(paras.27-31) A.Alessontolearnfromtheanti-smokingcampaign(paras.27-28) B.Moralpersuasionandmildrepression(paras.29-31) PartIVThesis:alarge-scalepropagandacampaign(para.32) DetailedDiscussiononText simplyadv. usedforemphasizingthatwhatyouaresayingisnothingmorethanwhatyousay...