Problem accessing /. Reason: NOT_FOUND Powered by Jetty:// 问题环境: 使用vm虚拟机下安装CenterOS6,开启tomcat正常,启动过程中没有报错,但是开启后无法打开tomcat的初始界面:localhost:8080,报错如上图. 原因:端口号被防火墙拦截/没有被开放. 解决方法: 修改端口号,防火墙开放对应端口号,问题解决 修...
HTTP ERROR 404 Problem accessing /dfshealth.jsp(jetty). Reason: NOT_FOUND Powered by Jetty:// qingwenzhegezenmejiejue... qing wen zhe ge zenme jie jue 展开 如果之前出现过格式化不成功或者启动不成功的情况,这个页面可能在之前的操作中被浏览器缓存了。如果
如果之前出现过格式化不成功或者启动不成功的情况,这个页面可能在之前的操作中被浏览器缓存了。如果现在格式化和启动都正常,可以尝试清空浏览器历史记录再打开试试。注意是Forget about this sites,而不是delete this page
这是一个Jenkins的Bug。临时解决方法是:在浏览器中手工输入:http://<ip>:<port> 。不要访问"/jenkins"这个路径。
Ranger audit problem accessing /solr/ranger_audits/select. Reason: Not Found. Labels: Apache Ambari Apache Ranger Apache Solr jorge_florencio Contributor Created 12-21-2017 05:10 PM Hi, this is a HDP deployment using Ambari 2.5.2 with enabled Kerberos. I've...
HTTP ERROR: 503 Problem accessing /wicket/. Reason: Service Unavailable Powered by Jetty:// 9.3.5.v20151012 The steps I followed to run Estatio are the ones indicated in the README file: Build Estatio: mvn clean install Configure Estatio: Here I copied the properties for in-memory HSQL...
Problem accessing /. Reason:AuthenticationSupport service missing. Cannot authenticate the request. Error.log Error:11.11.2015 12:38:29.888 *ERROR* [qtp231586654-77] handleSecurity: AuthenticationSupport service missing. Can...
打开网页的下一级菜单时显示 Http Status Code: 404 Reason: File not found or unable to read file 系统有问题了。直接换个验证过的系统盘重装系统就行了,这样就可以全程自动、顺利解决系统打开网页下一级菜单时出错的问题了。用 svn提交出错:org.tigris.subversion.javahl.ClientException: RA layer request fail...
1. 验证如何做到自动判定,从哪里来,返回到哪里去?(目前是写死的)protected void handleError(...