The invention discloses an SAR (synthetic aperture radar) image despeckle method based on target extraction and a PPB (probabilistic patch-based filter) algorithm, and mainly solves the problems that the existing SAR image despeckle method fail to well restrain speckle noise and loses part of edge...
A classic Bloom filter is a special case of a Stable Bloom Filter whose eviction rate is zero and cell size is one. We call this special case an Unstable Bloom Filter. Because cells require more memory overhead, this package also provides two bitset-based Bloom filter variations. The first...
The learned probabilistic atlas is blurred with a Gaussian filter with a standard deviation of 12 mm, or 12 voxels with our 1 mm voxel spacing, which is necessary because of limited training data. This can also be considered as a Parzen estimation. The registration is based on the set of ...
Un- like correlation-based methods, the EM-based approaches, such as JRMPC [15], CPD [34], and FilterReg [18], repre- sent the geometry of one point cloud using a GMM distri- bution over 3D Euclidean space. The transformation is then calculated by f...
Independent particle filter tracking is applied to each attentional block and the tracking results of all the blocks are then combined in a linear weighting scheme to get the location of the entire target object. The attentional blocks are propagated to the object location found in each new frame...
Multitemporal methods use cloud-free images from other periods to retrieve missing spectral information, often using replacement methods [16,17], filter methods [18], and learning-based methods [19]. However, multitemporal methods increase requirements for image acquisition, assuming that cloud-free ...
The Sobel operator is a classic edge detection filter that computes the gradient of the image intensity, highlighting areas of rapid intensity change [25]. Ref. [26] proposes a model of edge detection based on zero-crossings in the image intensity profile, contributing to the theoretical ...
To account for the challenges of gas sensing under real-world conditions, we present a probabilistic approach to GSL that is based on a particle filter (PF). Simulation and real-world experiments demonstrate the suitability of this algorithm for micro UAV platforms....
Regularization is achieved by penalizing OSEM with probabilistic patch-based regularization (PPB) filter to form hybrid method (OSEM+PPB) for CT/PET image reconstruction that uses neighborhood patches instead of individual pixels in computing the non-quadratic penalty. The aim of this paper is to ...
Patch else trimmed medianTrimmed medianA new probabilistic decision based filter (PDBF) is presented to remove salt and pepper impulse noise in highly corrupted images. The filter employs two types of estimation techniques for denoising namely trimmed median (TM) and patch else trimmed median (PETM...