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The median (range) airway pressure during the pressure leak test with continuous PPV immediately after inflation of the LMA-PS cuff was 34 (18–45) cm water. However, even when the leak test plateau pres- sure was low, adequate peak airway pressures without gas leak were achieved with ...
Application of Proseal laryngeai mask airway for anesthesia of thyroid surgery Proseal喉罩应用于甲状腺手术麻醉2. Median Effective Dose of Remifentanil for Proseal Laryngeal Mask Airway Insertion and Tolerance in Adult; 置入及耐受Proseal喉罩成人所需瑞芬太尼的ED503. Application of proseal laryngeal...
doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-0412.2013.17.015杨常保陕西省西安济仁医院CNKI;WanFang吉林医学ProSeal喉罩在全身麻醉腹腔镜胆囊切除术中的应用[J]. 杨常保.吉林医学. 2013(17)杨常保.ProSeal喉罩在全身麻醉腹腔镜胆囊切除术中的应用.吉林医学.2013.3318-3319
可视硬管芯与传统徒手法引导Proseal喉罩置入的效果比较 傅冬马浩南* 【摘要】目的评估可视硬管芯引导P r o s e a丨喉罩置入的效果及安全性。方法择期行P r o s e d喉罩通气下全身麻醉四肢手术患者100例,随 机分为可视硬管芯导入组(可视硬管芯组)和徒手置入组(徒手组),每组各50例全身麻醉诱导后两...
34 34.000 40.000 39.250 PS-500 29 36 36.000 42.000 41.250 PS-500 31 42 42.000 48.000 47.250 PS-500 36 48 48.000 54.000 53.250 PS-500 41 Table 1b Cast or Core Bit Drilled Hole1 NOMINAL PIPE SIZE (Inches) ACTUAL PIPE O.D. (Inches) HOLE I.D. (Inches) PEN-SEAL PART NUMBER REQU...
品牌 HEAT SEAL Pro Mach BioRad Laboratories INTRISE CO LTD Hulme Martin Plexpack Hawo Aam Group Chyng Cheeun Machinery Bosch Packaging Technology Audion Elektro Gandus Saldatrici Fischbein Ilpra Joke Fo 主要商品 热密封剂 热封机 HEAT SEAL热密封剂 热封机 Pro Mach热密封剂 热封机 INTRISE CO ...
Previously, investigators34 revealed that there was more postoperative nausea and vomiting with the LMA than the tracheal tube in the first 4–6 h; however, Klockgether-Radke and colleagues5 found that postoperative nausea and vomiting was lower with the LMA than with the tracheal tube. These ...
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