打开Preferences,在Operations标签的Record部分里,最下面有一个叫做Automatically Create New Playlists When Loop Recording的选项,建议将其选上,这样Pro Tools会在循环录音时为每一次的录音自动建立播放列表,这样当你在音轨下拉条里选择Playlist进入并轨模式后,每一次的录音就会自动展开了。 如果你并不是直接在Pro Tools里...
在Pro Tools 8 的[预设]中我们可以选择“循环录音时自动创建新播放列表”选项(Automatically Create New Playlists When Loop Recording),然后录音时选择循环录音,比如你录了5编,那录完用Ctrl + Win + 左箭头,将视图模式从Waveform切换到Playlist就可以看到刚才录的五个“子轨道”(图21),而原来的轨道变成主音轨(M...
In music production circles, Pro Tools is often seen as the DAW of choice for people working in what might be called the traditional recording studio idiom, with the DAW being essentially a modern replacement for an analogue console and tape machine. While it’s clear that DAWs are far more...
Pro Tools First is about giving users fast and easy access to the full-fledged DAW. Especially if you’ve never used music production software before, the routing in Pro Tools can be a bit daunting. Luckily, you can start with a template to not only create music, but also to study befo...
Pro Tools allows you to record, edit, and mix professional grade audio tracks. The application enables you to record audio up to 32-bit/192 kHz and use different bit depths and audio formats in the same session. Through Pro Tools’ Loop recording, you can create recordings by splicing toget...
5Loop Record Mode On/Off 6Quick Punch Mode On/Off 7Click On/Off 8Countoff On/Off 9Midi Merge/Replace Mode On/Off Shuttle Mode (Numeric Keypad - Pro Tools HD Only) 61 x Forward playback speed 41 x Rewind playback speed 94 x Forward playback speed ...
Solos and mutes now work intelligently, so that soloing a reverb, for example, doesn't shut off all of the inputs to that reverb. As has always been the case with Pro Tools, however, there's a delay that varies inconsistently, from about 1 to 2 seconds, between the time when you un...
Buy M-Audio Pro Tools MP + Fast Track C400 - Software and Interface Recording Bundle featuring Fast Track C400 USB Interface, Pro Tools MP Software, Mac OS X, Windows 7. Review M-Audio null
Pro Tools is renowned for its sound, whether you’re tracking through an audio interface or directly to your computer. Hone performances with powerful tools, including loop recording and track playlists, and comp together a flawless performance from multiple passes ( see it in action ). You can...
Master the art of recording audio in these AVID Learning Partner tutorial-videos by one of macprovideo.com’s lead trainers, Scott Freiman... Now that you know how Pro Tools works, it’s time to learn how to use it! So let’s begin by Exploring The Workspace. In this collection of ...