The QSoundEffect class provides a way to play low latency sound effects. More...Header: #include <QSoundEffect> CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Multimedia) target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Multimedia) qmake: QT += multimedia Instantiated By: SoundEffect Inherits: Q...
SVS(迅控)触摸屏可编程控制系统说明书第页、RFGW无线收发器及编程软件1、接收器安装接收器外观电源接口电源接口如图所示:输入极性:里正外负 输入直流电压:5V 输入电流:<200mA通讯口为方便扩展RFGW收发器采用RJ45插座,可用于RS-232、RS-485及电源接口。其中各个引脚的定义如下:引脚名称说明备注1TXDRS-232TXD*靠近电...
Low Latency Sound Effects In addition to raw access to sound devices, the QSoundEffect class (and SoundEffect QML type) offers a more abstract way to play sounds. This class allows you to specify a WAV format file, which can then be played with low latency when necessary. You can adjust...